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The Great Cleric [Manga] Volume 4

par Hiiro Akikaze (Mangaka)

Autres auteurs: Broccoli Lion (Original Creator)

Séries: The Great Cleric [Manga] (4)

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One man's story of turning blood, sweat, and tears into a successful living--literally! After his untimely death as the hardest-working salary man in Japan, Luciel is reincarnated into the magical fantasy world Galdardia. Always the man with a plan, he recreates himself to be a healer, and sets about making his way in the world. But while Luciel knows a thing or two about making money, he knows absolutely nothing about Galdardia. Will his good heart and great work ethic be enough to make him...The Great Cleric? Luciel's kind heart and even kinder healing prices put him in the sights of Merratoni's most expensive cleric-Bottaculli. Though Luciel manages to avoid any physical altercations, that doesn't stop Bottaculli from using backdoor methods to reclaim his lost revenue. With his time in the idyllic city of Merratoni forcibly run out, Luciel must set off for his new assignment in the holy city of Shurule, where his latest task will be unlike anything he's ever faced...… (plus d'informations)

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Akikaze, HiiroMangakaauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Lion, BroccoliOriginal Creatorauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé

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One man's story of turning blood, sweat, and tears into a successful living--literally! After his untimely death as the hardest-working salary man in Japan, Luciel is reincarnated into the magical fantasy world Galdardia. Always the man with a plan, he recreates himself to be a healer, and sets about making his way in the world. But while Luciel knows a thing or two about making money, he knows absolutely nothing about Galdardia. Will his good heart and great work ethic be enough to make him...The Great Cleric? Luciel's kind heart and even kinder healing prices put him in the sights of Merratoni's most expensive cleric-Bottaculli. Though Luciel manages to avoid any physical altercations, that doesn't stop Bottaculli from using backdoor methods to reclaim his lost revenue. With his time in the idyllic city of Merratoni forcibly run out, Luciel must set off for his new assignment in the holy city of Shurule, where his latest task will be unlike anything he's ever faced...

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