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When Godly People Do Ungodly Things: Arming…

When Godly People Do Ungodly Things: Arming Yourself in the Age of Seduction (2002)

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714433,234 (4.33)2
Christian Nonfiction. Religion & Spirituality. Nonfiction. HTML:

It is reported in the headlines, confessed in the pulpits, and hidden in the pews in churches around the world. The seduction of God's people by the deceiver is a tale as old as the garden, but we are always surprised when it happens. We must realize that Satan is a lion on the prowl and we are his prey.

Beth writes with a passion fueled by the Biblical warnings of the schemes of Satan's seductive activity and the broken-hearted concern of a teacher who receives countless letters from repentant Christians limping on the road to finding restoration. Delivering dire warnings to Christians to safeguard themselves against Satan's attacks, Beth also reveals how you can know if someone is vulnerable. Beth writes, "We, Christ's church, are in desperate need of developing His heart and mind in issues like these." She fears that often God is far more merciful than the Body of Christ is with the deeply repentant and those desperate to find their way home. When Godly People Do Ungodly Things will be a guide to authentic repentance and restoration.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:When Godly People Do Ungodly Things: Arming Yourself in the Age of Seduction
Info:Publisher Unknown
Collections:Votre bibliothèque, En cours de lecture

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When Godly People Do Ungodly Things par Beth Moore (2002)


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4 sur 4
In the midst of evil currently blowing in our world today, Christians will do well to remember that the evil one still lurks, waiting to seduce those who belong to the Lord, seeking to destroy the testimony of their walk with God.
  MenoraChurch | Jun 11, 2022 |
I read this on my Kindle after a free download (no longer available). It's quite a challenging look at spiritual warfare, and why godly or devout people sometimes do terrible things. Not that more ordinary folk are exempt, of course.

I found it a bit long-winded, and rather too casual in a very American style. But the essence of what the author writes about in this book is good, and well worth reading. The first section looks at how this kind of temptation (she calls it 'seduction', although it's not necessarily about relationships) can happen and why. The second section is about arming oneself against this kind of thing.

The final section is then intended for those who have already fallen into the quagmire, and are ready to climb out. It could also be useful for the family and friends of those who have fallen but aren't aware of it, or don't wish to move on. I skimmed most of this, as it didn't apply to me, but thought the section about healing the conscience was particularly good.

Recommended in a low-key way, if you don't mind the casual style and a fair amount of repetition. ( )
  SueinCyprus | Sep 13, 2018 |
Beth Moore delved into the inner and hidden issues of human nature and Christian struggles. Her book was so powerfully written. The topic was gracefully dealt with and I learned much more than I'll ever be able to say. This book is a MUST READ TODAY book for all Christians everywhere. ( )
  lacreshahayes | Oct 4, 2008 |
AMAZING! Right on target! Everyone needs to read this one. She hones in on scripture and applies it in the most applicable ways! Eye opening, comforting, convicting.... great study! ( )
  tmarie84 | Jan 27, 2008 |
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To L. L. You have been an unspeakable inspiration - especially at times when I've grieved while a few others refused to go the distance and let their Redeemer redeem. What needless defeat! I am so proud of you. Can you imagine how He must feel? A great harvest awaits you, Dear One. I can't wait to look over your shoulder and celebrate!
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[Preface] This book represents one of the most unique writing experiences I've ever had with God.
I am terrified...
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Christian Nonfiction. Religion & Spirituality. Nonfiction. HTML:

It is reported in the headlines, confessed in the pulpits, and hidden in the pews in churches around the world. The seduction of God's people by the deceiver is a tale as old as the garden, but we are always surprised when it happens. We must realize that Satan is a lion on the prowl and we are his prey.

Beth writes with a passion fueled by the Biblical warnings of the schemes of Satan's seductive activity and the broken-hearted concern of a teacher who receives countless letters from repentant Christians limping on the road to finding restoration. Delivering dire warnings to Christians to safeguard themselves against Satan's attacks, Beth also reveals how you can know if someone is vulnerable. Beth writes, "We, Christ's church, are in desperate need of developing His heart and mind in issues like these." She fears that often God is far more merciful than the Body of Christ is with the deeply repentant and those desperate to find their way home. When Godly People Do Ungodly Things will be a guide to authentic repentance and restoration.

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