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OCR A Level History: Britain 1603-1760

par Nicholas Fellows

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Exam Board: OCR Level: A-level Subject: History First Teaching: September 2015 First Exam: June 2016 This is an OCR endorsed resource Build strong subject knowledge and skills in A Level History using the in-depth analysis and structured support in this tailor-made series for OCR's British period studies and enquiries. - Develops the analytical skills required to succeed in the period study by organising the narrative content around the key issues for students to explore - Enhances understanding of the chosen historical period, supplying a wealth of extracts and sources that offer opportunities to practise the evaluative skills needed for the enquiry - Progressively improves study skills through developmental activities and advice on answering practice exam questions - Helps students to review, revise and reflect on the course material through chapter summaries and revision activities that consolidate topic knowledge - Equips students with transferable critical thinking skills, presenting contrasting academic opinions that encourage A Level historians to make informed judgements on major debates Each title in the OCR A Level History series contains one or two British period studies and its associated enquiry, providing complete support for every option in Unit Group 1. Britain 1603-1760 This title explores the reigns of the Stuart monarchs and Georgian Britain through two British period studies and two enquiries. It allows an in-depth understanding of the key historical knowledge, terms and concepts relevant to the period studied and encourages the critical use of evidence in investigating and assessing historical questions in the associated enquiries: 'The Execution of Charles I and the Interregnum 1646-1660' and 'The Glorious Revolution 1678-1689'. This title covers the following period studies and enquiries: - The Early Stuarts and 1603-1646 - The Execution of Charles I and the Interregnum - The Glorious Revolution 1678-1689 - The Making of Georgian Britain 1689-c1760… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté pargodtres, Amw100

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Exam Board: OCR Level: A-level Subject: History First Teaching: September 2015 First Exam: June 2016 This is an OCR endorsed resource Build strong subject knowledge and skills in A Level History using the in-depth analysis and structured support in this tailor-made series for OCR's British period studies and enquiries. - Develops the analytical skills required to succeed in the period study by organising the narrative content around the key issues for students to explore - Enhances understanding of the chosen historical period, supplying a wealth of extracts and sources that offer opportunities to practise the evaluative skills needed for the enquiry - Progressively improves study skills through developmental activities and advice on answering practice exam questions - Helps students to review, revise and reflect on the course material through chapter summaries and revision activities that consolidate topic knowledge - Equips students with transferable critical thinking skills, presenting contrasting academic opinions that encourage A Level historians to make informed judgements on major debates Each title in the OCR A Level History series contains one or two British period studies and its associated enquiry, providing complete support for every option in Unit Group 1. Britain 1603-1760 This title explores the reigns of the Stuart monarchs and Georgian Britain through two British period studies and two enquiries. It allows an in-depth understanding of the key historical knowledge, terms and concepts relevant to the period studied and encourages the critical use of evidence in investigating and assessing historical questions in the associated enquiries: 'The Execution of Charles I and the Interregnum 1646-1660' and 'The Glorious Revolution 1678-1689'. This title covers the following period studies and enquiries: - The Early Stuarts and 1603-1646 - The Execution of Charles I and the Interregnum - The Glorious Revolution 1678-1689 - The Making of Georgian Britain 1689-c1760

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