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ALL IN Orphan Care: Exploring the Call to Care for Vulnerable Children and Families

par Jason Johnson

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It was never God's intent for children to be without a family! This is why scripture says He assumes the role of father to the fatherless and He sets the lonely in families. This is the heart of God - a good, loving and gracious Father. This is also the basis of His mandate towards us, the Church, to care for vulnerable children and families around us. Our call to care for the vulnerable and orphaned is rooted in God's care of us through Jesus. That's what this book is about - the work of Christ on our behalf in the gospel. ALL IN Orphan Care is a six-session study guide designed to prepare and equip those exploring the call to foster care, adoption or some aspect of supporting families. This multi-faceted curriculum can be used in groups, classes or other equipping environments. It includes: Six sessions on theology, realistic expectations, confronting fears, clarifying your role, etc. Engaging group discussion guides Encouraging personal reflection questions Powerful stories from real-life foster and adoptive families Inspiring articles on some of the most commonly asked questions ...and so much more! For bulk orders of 20 or more books, visit Discounts apply.… (plus d'informations)

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DDC/MDS canonique
LCC canonique

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It was never God's intent for children to be without a family! This is why scripture says He assumes the role of father to the fatherless and He sets the lonely in families. This is the heart of God - a good, loving and gracious Father. This is also the basis of His mandate towards us, the Church, to care for vulnerable children and families around us. Our call to care for the vulnerable and orphaned is rooted in God's care of us through Jesus. That's what this book is about - the work of Christ on our behalf in the gospel. ALL IN Orphan Care is a six-session study guide designed to prepare and equip those exploring the call to foster care, adoption or some aspect of supporting families. This multi-faceted curriculum can be used in groups, classes or other equipping environments. It includes: Six sessions on theology, realistic expectations, confronting fears, clarifying your role, etc. Engaging group discussion guides Encouraging personal reflection questions Powerful stories from real-life foster and adoptive families Inspiring articles on some of the most commonly asked questions ...and so much more! For bulk orders of 20 or more books, visit Discounts apply.

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