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On the way

par James J. Rawls

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On the Way is a book of reflections on one mans journey of faith. Its origins lie in the universal longing of humankind for something beyond ourselves, for something once present that has diminished with the passing of time. This presence now is sensed only fleetingly, yet the longing persists. The title of the book has a double meaning. On the Way refers to the journey of faith, our lifelong pilgrimage from God and to God. But it also points to the one who leads us on this journey, the one who says: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. On the Way is a collection of one hundred devotional readings, reminiscent of Spurgeons classic Morning and Evening Daily Readings and the Benedictine Lectio Divina. It is intended to stir within the reader some forward movement in their own journey of faith. What people are saying about On the Way: James J. Rawls draws on wisdom from across the ages. Here he shares his ongoing conversation with these many voices within the framework of a deep personal and practical faith. This book is a great gift and blessing! The Rt. Rev. Barry L. Beisner, VII Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California This is a wonderful bookbeautifully written, insightful, and filled with wisdom and warmth. Gil Bailie, founder of The Cornerstone Forum and author of Gods Gamble: The Gravitational Power of Crucified Love (2016) James Rawls has a capacity for clarity of thought and graceful articulation that the reader will find fully present in these meditations. Savor, consume and digest them. Repeat again and again. The Rev. L. Ann Hallisey, D.Min., Professional Coach and Organization Consultant, former Dean of Students, Church Divinity School of the Pacific, Berkeley… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parIncarnationSR, COSLibrary

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On the Way is a book of reflections on one mans journey of faith. Its origins lie in the universal longing of humankind for something beyond ourselves, for something once present that has diminished with the passing of time. This presence now is sensed only fleetingly, yet the longing persists. The title of the book has a double meaning. On the Way refers to the journey of faith, our lifelong pilgrimage from God and to God. But it also points to the one who leads us on this journey, the one who says: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. On the Way is a collection of one hundred devotional readings, reminiscent of Spurgeons classic Morning and Evening Daily Readings and the Benedictine Lectio Divina. It is intended to stir within the reader some forward movement in their own journey of faith. What people are saying about On the Way: James J. Rawls draws on wisdom from across the ages. Here he shares his ongoing conversation with these many voices within the framework of a deep personal and practical faith. This book is a great gift and blessing! The Rt. Rev. Barry L. Beisner, VII Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California This is a wonderful bookbeautifully written, insightful, and filled with wisdom and warmth. Gil Bailie, founder of The Cornerstone Forum and author of Gods Gamble: The Gravitational Power of Crucified Love (2016) James Rawls has a capacity for clarity of thought and graceful articulation that the reader will find fully present in these meditations. Savor, consume and digest them. Repeat again and again. The Rev. L. Ann Hallisey, D.Min., Professional Coach and Organization Consultant, former Dean of Students, Church Divinity School of the Pacific, Berkeley

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