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Hawaiian Sunset, Dream Proposal (Medical Romance)

par Joanna Neil

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Finding the doctor's happy-ever-after--in Hawaii! Dr Amber Shaw has packed her bags, put her broken heart behind her, and come to Hawaii to take care of a wealthy patient. Once there, she soon falls under the island's tropical spell, but she is determined to resist her patient's infuriating yet handsome nephew, Dr Ethan Brookes! Guarded Ethan has his own reasons for keeping his distance--reasons he finds hard to remember whenever he sees Amber's warm smile. And, strolling with her hand in hand along a deserted moonlit beach, he knows this is the perfect moment to say those four little words: "Will you marry me?"… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parPaulaLT, jonathan_rigby

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Finding the doctor's happy-ever-after--in Hawaii! Dr Amber Shaw has packed her bags, put her broken heart behind her, and come to Hawaii to take care of a wealthy patient. Once there, she soon falls under the island's tropical spell, but she is determined to resist her patient's infuriating yet handsome nephew, Dr Ethan Brookes! Guarded Ethan has his own reasons for keeping his distance--reasons he finds hard to remember whenever he sees Amber's warm smile. And, strolling with her hand in hand along a deserted moonlit beach, he knows this is the perfect moment to say those four little words: "Will you marry me?"

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