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Let Us Keep The Feast: living the Church Year at home (Pentecost & Ordinary Time)

par Kristen Stewart

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Modern life is fast-paced. Even worse, it's often chaotic and confused. But it doesn't have to be that way. Our days and our weeks are part of God's created order; the sun setting and rising, the regular shift from work to rest: all of these form a rhythm for our lives, a rhythm that the church has historically observed through a set calendar of feasts and fasts. Maybe you've used an Advent calendar to count down the days till Christmas. Or you might have recently tried giving up something for Lent. These practices are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the riches of the Christian church year. Why do we celebrate seasons in the church? How can we do it well? And what does it mean for you? Thousands of Christians wrestle with these questions, and others like them, every year - even every season. In this series of books, these questions are answered! Written for Christians who want to embrace the historic traditions of the church, and whose desire is to bring them into their da...… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parDaiShan14, KLease, Yak_Litsy

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Modern life is fast-paced. Even worse, it's often chaotic and confused. But it doesn't have to be that way. Our days and our weeks are part of God's created order; the sun setting and rising, the regular shift from work to rest: all of these form a rhythm for our lives, a rhythm that the church has historically observed through a set calendar of feasts and fasts. Maybe you've used an Advent calendar to count down the days till Christmas. Or you might have recently tried giving up something for Lent. These practices are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the riches of the Christian church year. Why do we celebrate seasons in the church? How can we do it well? And what does it mean for you? Thousands of Christians wrestle with these questions, and others like them, every year - even every season. In this series of books, these questions are answered! Written for Christians who want to embrace the historic traditions of the church, and whose desire is to bring them into their da...

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