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The Salt Path: The 85-Week Sunday Times…

The Salt Path: The 85-Week Sunday Times Bestseller from the Million-Copy Bestselling Author (Raynor Winn, 1) (édition 2019)

par Raynor Winn (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
1,2457016,260 (3.95)96
℗ ℗± ́ On pourrait simplement marcher.C'©♭tait une id©♭e ridicule, mais j'avais d©♭cid©♭ de la proposer quand m©®me. ́ Marcher ? ́ Oui. Simplement marcher. ℗ ℗ Raynor et son mari Moth sont cach©♭s sous l'escalier. Des huissiers tambourinent © la porte : ils doivent imm©♭diatement quitter leur maison. La maison qu'ils ont construite pierre apr©·s pierre, o©£ ils ont ©♭lev©♭ leurs enfants et qui est leur unique source de revenus, va ©®tre saisie.Dans la m©®me semaine, Moth, qui a tout juste cinquante ans, apprend qu'il est atteint d'une maladie d©♭g©♭n©♭rative incurable.℗ Quand tout semble perdu, faut-il rendre les armes ? Raynor va en d©♭cider autrement. Ils n'ont plus d'argent, plus de maison ? Eh bien, ils marcheront.℗ ℗ Sacs bon march©♭ et tente d'occasion sur le dos, 250 euros en poche,℗ voil© le couple de Gallois pr©®t © parcourir les 1 013 km du c©♭l©·bre sentier c©þtier du Sud-Ouest de l'Angleterre, The South West Coast Path. Du Somerset au Dorset, en passant par le Devon et les Cornouailles, Raynor et Moth d©♭couvrent le camping sauvage, les longues journ©♭es de randonn©♭e, le corps qui fait mal, la faim, le regard des autres. Mais, aussi et surtout, ils apprennent © s'impr©♭gner de la nature, © vivre au gr©♭ des mar©♭es et du soleil, © marcher vers l'espoir. Et si le chemin de sel ©♭tait devenu leur nouvelle maison ?℗ Le Chemin de sel℗ est un r©♭cit de gu©♭rison et de renaissance qui nous entra©ʼne dans un extraordinaire voyage © travers de sublimes paysages.℗ Traduit de l'anglais par Marc Amfreville… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Salt Path: The 85-Week Sunday Times Bestseller from the Million-Copy Bestselling Author (Raynor Winn, 1)
Auteurs:Raynor Winn (Auteur)
Info:Penguin (2019), Edition: 1, 288 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Le chemin de sel par Raynor Winn

  1. 00
    Des vies à découvert par Barbara Kingsolver (JenMDB)
  2. 00
    Falling for Icarus: A Journey among the Cretans par Rory MacLean (marieke54)
  3. 00
    Walking Away par Simon Armitage (Stbalbach)
    Stbalbach: Simon Armitage's memoir about his walk of the SWC Path, done at the same time the Winns and Armitage crossed paths
  4. 00
    The South West Coast Path: From Minehead to South Haven Point (British Long-distance Trails) par Paddy Dillon (cbl_tn)
    cbl_tn: Raynor and Moth carried this guide with them on their journey.
  5. 00
    The Ride of Her Life: The True Story of a Woman, Her Horse, and Their Last-Chance Journey Across America par Elizabeth Letts (cbl_tn)
    cbl_tn: Faced with the loss of their farm home and Moth's newly-diagnosed degenerative brain disease, Moth and Raynor Winn set out to walk the 630-mile South West Coast Path. Sixty years earlier, Maine farmer Annie Wilkins made a journey on horseback from Maine to California under similar circumstances. Both are stories of resilience.… (plus d'informations)

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» Voir aussi les 96 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 70 (suivant | tout afficher)
Over the space of a long weekend, Ray and Moth find themselves homeless, penniless and poleaxed by Moth’s terminal illness diagnosis. Rather than resign themselves to the benefits system and emergency temporary housing, they decide to walk the South West Coastal Path as homeless hikers, wild camping with the cheapest and most basic equipment and a maximum budget of £48 per week. They conquer the Minehead to Plymouth stretch before taking a winter break earning their keep on a friend’s farm, returning to Poole for the second leg in spring.
Raynor’s memoir is beautifully written, balancing pain, hunger and hardships with humour, hope and the kindness of strangers. I could feel the horizontal rain slicing my cheeks and the scorching sun stripping my skin. The descriptions of the landscape, flora and fauna, kaleidoscopic sunrises and sunsets made me see places I’ve visited before in a completely different light and to never take toilet facilities for granted.
“My thumb ripped through the waist of my leggings in the rush as I squatted behind the spikey sharp gorse with as much relief as Renton in the toilet scene of Trainspotting. Dog walkers. What is it about dog walkers?”
Their courage, resilience and determination shines through while the abusive, derogatory comments directed at them based solely on appearance and misconceptions highlights the plight of the homeless, treated like lepers or shrouded in a cloak of invisibility, misunderstood and unprovided for.
Inspirational, motivational and moving, The Salt Path is a lesson to us all. ( )
  geraldine_croft | Jul 30, 2024 |
In the space of a week, Raynor Winn and her husband Moth were dealt two staggering blows. First, they lost their home in a court case concerning a business deal gone wrong. Then, just five days later, Moth was diagnosed with corticobasal degeneration, a slow-moving but incurable neurological disorder that would lead to dementia and also affect his mobility. With nowhere to live, a ruined credit history, and no job prospects, the couple decides to walk England’s 630-mile South West Coast Path, camping along the way. The route is extremely difficult, especially at the beginning, and they soon find they cannot afford even the most basic campsite, let alone decent meals.

And yet they manage, one day at a time. Surprisingly, the walk’s physical demands actually improve Moth’s condition, giving him new strength and vitality. They learn how to manage their daily needs with the very minimal government support that regularly lands in their bank account, often making difficult trade-offs. They occasionally benefit from the kindness of strangers, but more often are poorly treated by people and systems that cannot handle homelessness.

While their journey includes a lot of stress and grief, over time Raynor and Moth begin to envision a future for themselves and develop a plan, made possible by their strong commitment to one another and a fortunate chance encounter. ( )
  lauralkeet | May 29, 2024 |
A long distance walk undertaken by Ray and her husband when everything that possibly could go wrong in their lives had gone wrong. They'd lost the home which they'd lovingly built up over many years, their livelihood, and in Moth's case, his health. He'd just been diagnosed with a rare and terminal degenerative disease. They were the wrong side of 50 years old.

They decided, in one sense, to walk away from their problems. To walk the South West Coast Path. They equipped themselves on a minuscule budget with no experience on their side, and set off. Theirs was a new life of wild camping, few opportunities and little money to be well nourished. Dirty, unkempt and always hungry they survived, and increasingly thrived. Overwintering thanks to a friend who offered accommodation in return for physical work, they accomplished the second part of their journey in the spring, and by the end they had a plan, and a piece of luck.

This is part travelogue, including atmospheric writing about the terrain the pair tramped over: but mainly an account of the journey towards a new life of couple who rose above destructive and unimaginable adversity and found a new way towards their future. ( )
  Margaret09 | Apr 15, 2024 |
Raynor Wynn through some bad circumstances ended up homeless. Her husband Moth was terminally ill, and their friends and family were struggling too so they could only stay at homes short term. As their life came unglued and everything, they worked for was taken away, Raynor and Moth took all they could carry or afford and walked the Salt Path. The path is 630 miles long and is above the ocean and follows the South West Coastal Path and the English Channel. With a favorite guidebook, and the tiny bit of money they could get every few weeks for food, they pushed on. This journey is a metaphor for life that when the worst happens all you can do is put one foot in front of the other and move through it. There are lessons here, surrounded by beauty and the goodwill of some people they met along the way. There is ugliness too by some people and their preconceived judgement of homelessness. It’s not a long book only 270 pages. I couldn’t stop reading it sometimes crying, sometimes laughing always wondering where their journey would end. Hoping that Moth’s health would hold out and a miracle would arrive to give them hope. I just ordered her next book too. ( )
  PamelaBarrett | Apr 12, 2024 |
DNF. Just found the beginning too annoying. Instead of compassion for their plight, I was cranky about the decisions they chose. ( )
  Mercef | Mar 30, 2024 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 70 (suivant | tout afficher)
If you're seeking a tale of adventure, courage, and the triumph of the human spirit, I wholeheartedly recommend immersing yourself in the audiobook edition of "The Salt Path". Let Raynor's voice guide you along the rugged cliffs and windswept shores, and let her story remind you of the beauty and resilience that lies within us all......

» Ajouter d'autres auteur(e)s (11 possibles)

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Raynor Winnauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Harding, AngelaArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé

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Part One: Into the Light

Tell me about a man,

Muse, tell me how he wandered and was lost ...

Homer, The Odyssey
Part Two: The South West Coast Path

While some might be daunted at the prospect of walking, for weeks on end, staying somewhere different every night, while keeping themselves fed and watered, it is simply a matter of careful planning.

-Paddy Dillon, The South West Coast Path: From Minehead to South Haven Point.
Part Three: The Long Fetch

Often, for undaunted courage, fate spares the man it has not already marked.

-Seamus Heaney, Beowulf
Part Four: Lightly Salted Blackberries

Spoilt for choice - which one to throw,

which to pocket and take home.

-Simon Armitage, "The Stone Beach"
Part Five: Choices

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread.

-John Muir, The Yosemite
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For the team
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Prologue: There's a sound to breaking waves when they're close, a sound like nothing else.
Chapter 1. Dust of Life

I was under the stairs when I decided to walk.
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Packing a rucksack when you're fifty just isn't the same as when you're twenty.

Thirty years on and I had the aches of twenty years of manual labor, damage that never quite heals but stays malevolently in the background. (p. 22)
"I think I can feel homelessness now, like a balloon cut free in the wind. I'm scared.

"I'd hug you, Ray, but I can't sit up."

"Shall we eat the meatballs? I'm sure they weigh the most." (p. 41)
The path led into the valley and down to Culbone Church, the smallest church in England, ancient, and once the site of a leper colony. I sat in the graveyard and let the utterly peaceful place wash over me. It was profoundly spiritual, nothing to do with God or religion, but a deeply human spirituality. (p. 45)
"Do we have a plan?"

"Course we do. We walk until we stop walking, and maybe on the way we find some kind of future." (p. 48)
Rather than layers of sweaty salt, my legs were crawling in ladybirds.

But they were too special and the shiny red wonders too numerous: there had to be more to it than that; they had to have a meaning for us.

No, I couldn't be scientific about it, and clung to the myth of the lady bird bringing good luck, carrying it with me in a rosy, spotted glow. I watched the pink aura lift from Moth and tried to believe in miracles. (p. 79)
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℗ ℗± ́ On pourrait simplement marcher.C'©♭tait une id©♭e ridicule, mais j'avais d©♭cid©♭ de la proposer quand m©®me. ́ Marcher ? ́ Oui. Simplement marcher. ℗ ℗ Raynor et son mari Moth sont cach©♭s sous l'escalier. Des huissiers tambourinent © la porte : ils doivent imm©♭diatement quitter leur maison. La maison qu'ils ont construite pierre apr©·s pierre, o©£ ils ont ©♭lev©♭ leurs enfants et qui est leur unique source de revenus, va ©®tre saisie.Dans la m©®me semaine, Moth, qui a tout juste cinquante ans, apprend qu'il est atteint d'une maladie d©♭g©♭n©♭rative incurable.℗ Quand tout semble perdu, faut-il rendre les armes ? Raynor va en d©♭cider autrement. Ils n'ont plus d'argent, plus de maison ? Eh bien, ils marcheront.℗ ℗ Sacs bon march©♭ et tente d'occasion sur le dos, 250 euros en poche,℗ voil© le couple de Gallois pr©®t © parcourir les 1 013 km du c©♭l©·bre sentier c©þtier du Sud-Ouest de l'Angleterre, The South West Coast Path. Du Somerset au Dorset, en passant par le Devon et les Cornouailles, Raynor et Moth d©♭couvrent le camping sauvage, les longues journ©♭es de randonn©♭e, le corps qui fait mal, la faim, le regard des autres. Mais, aussi et surtout, ils apprennent © s'impr©♭gner de la nature, © vivre au gr©♭ des mar©♭es et du soleil, © marcher vers l'espoir. Et si le chemin de sel ©♭tait devenu leur nouvelle maison ?℗ Le Chemin de sel℗ est un r©♭cit de gu©♭rison et de renaissance qui nous entra©ʼne dans un extraordinaire voyage © travers de sublimes paysages.℗ Traduit de l'anglais par Marc Amfreville

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