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Encyclopedia of two-phase heat transfer and flow 1 : fundamentals and methods

par John R. Thome

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The aim of the two-set series is to present a very detailed and up-to-date reference for researchers and practicing engineers in the fields of mechanical, refrigeration, chemical, nuclear and electronics engineering on the important topic of two-phase heat transfer and two-phase flow. The scope of the first set of 4 volumes presents the fundamentals of the two-phase flows and heat transfer mechanisms, and describes in detail the most important prediction methods, while the scope of the second set of 4 volumes presents numerous special topics and numerous applications, also including numerical simulation methods.Practicing engineers will find extensive coverage to applications involving: multi-microchannel evaporator cold plates for electronics cooling, boiling on enhanced tubes and tube bundles, flow pattern based methods for predicting boiling and condensation inside horizontal tubes, pressure drop methods for singularies (U-bends and contractions), boiling in multiport tubes, and boiling and condensation in plate heat exchangers. All of these chapters include the latest methods for predicting not only local heat transfer coefficients but also pressure drops.Professors and students will find this 'Encyclopedia of Two-Phase Heat Transfer and Flow' particularly exciting, as it contains authored books and thorough state-of-the-art reviews on many basic and special topics, such as numerical modeling of two-phase heat transfer and adiabatic bubbly and slug flows, the unified annular flow boiling model, flow pattern maps, condensation and boiling theories, new emerging topics, etc.… (plus d'informations)

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The aim of the two-set series is to present a very detailed and up-to-date reference for researchers and practicing engineers in the fields of mechanical, refrigeration, chemical, nuclear and electronics engineering on the important topic of two-phase heat transfer and two-phase flow. The scope of the first set of 4 volumes presents the fundamentals of the two-phase flows and heat transfer mechanisms, and describes in detail the most important prediction methods, while the scope of the second set of 4 volumes presents numerous special topics and numerous applications, also including numerical simulation methods.Practicing engineers will find extensive coverage to applications involving: multi-microchannel evaporator cold plates for electronics cooling, boiling on enhanced tubes and tube bundles, flow pattern based methods for predicting boiling and condensation inside horizontal tubes, pressure drop methods for singularies (U-bends and contractions), boiling in multiport tubes, and boiling and condensation in plate heat exchangers. All of these chapters include the latest methods for predicting not only local heat transfer coefficients but also pressure drops.Professors and students will find this 'Encyclopedia of Two-Phase Heat Transfer and Flow' particularly exciting, as it contains authored books and thorough state-of-the-art reviews on many basic and special topics, such as numerical modeling of two-phase heat transfer and adiabatic bubbly and slug flows, the unified annular flow boiling model, flow pattern maps, condensation and boiling theories, new emerging topics, etc.

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Classification décimale de Melvil (CDD)

536.2003Natural sciences and mathematics Physics Heat; Thermodynamics Communication

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Moyenne: Pas d'évaluation.

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