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The Encyclopedia of Jewish Myth, Magic and…

The Encyclopedia of Jewish Myth, Magic and Mysticism (original 2007; édition 2007)

par Geoffrey W. Dennis (Auteur)

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"This is a book of husks and sparks, of things lost and then recovered..." So begins Rabbi Geoffrey Dennis in his introduction to this one-of-a-kind encyclopedia devoted to the esoteric in Judaism-the fabulous, the miraculous, and the mysterious. The Encyclopedia of Jewish Myth, Magic, and Mysticismpresents "lore that can spiritually enrich the life of anyone, Jewish or not, who wishes to understand the mysteries that underlie our universe." Jewish esotericism is the oldest and most influential continuous occult tradition in the West. This comprehensive treasury of Jewish teachings and lore drawn from sources spanning Jewish scripture, Talmud, the Midrash, the Kabbalah, and other esoteric branches of Judaism, is exhaustively researched yet easy to use. It includes over one thousand alphabetical entries, from Aaron to Zohar Chadesh, with extensive cross-references to related topics. The Encyclopedia of Jewish Myth, Magic, and Mysticismincludes a complete bibliography and helpful sections such as a quick reference glossary of frequently used terms, notes on Hebrew usage and transliteration, an appendix of illustrations, and a list of abbreviations of traditional sources. For the first time ever, thirty-five hundred years of accumulated secret wisdom, drawn from the wells of a great spiritual tradition, is at your fingertips.   2007 National Jewish Book Award Winner Finalist in the Reference Category Finalist - Jewish Library Association 2007 Book Awards  … (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Encyclopedia of Jewish Myth, Magic and Mysticism
Auteurs:Geoffrey W. Dennis (Auteur)
Info:Llewellyn Publications (2007), Edition: First Edition, 384 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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The Encyclopedia of Jewish Myth, Magic and Mysticism par Geoffrey W. Dennis (2007)


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Concerning everything that cannot be grasped, its question is its answer.
--Ketem Paz
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To my sons, Avi and Micah, who love secrets
To Robin, the greatest angel I know.
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Judaism is one of the oldest living esoteric traditions in the world.
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DDC/MDS canonique
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"This is a book of husks and sparks, of things lost and then recovered..." So begins Rabbi Geoffrey Dennis in his introduction to this one-of-a-kind encyclopedia devoted to the esoteric in Judaism-the fabulous, the miraculous, and the mysterious. The Encyclopedia of Jewish Myth, Magic, and Mysticismpresents "lore that can spiritually enrich the life of anyone, Jewish or not, who wishes to understand the mysteries that underlie our universe." Jewish esotericism is the oldest and most influential continuous occult tradition in the West. This comprehensive treasury of Jewish teachings and lore drawn from sources spanning Jewish scripture, Talmud, the Midrash, the Kabbalah, and other esoteric branches of Judaism, is exhaustively researched yet easy to use. It includes over one thousand alphabetical entries, from Aaron to Zohar Chadesh, with extensive cross-references to related topics. The Encyclopedia of Jewish Myth, Magic, and Mysticismincludes a complete bibliography and helpful sections such as a quick reference glossary of frequently used terms, notes on Hebrew usage and transliteration, an appendix of illustrations, and a list of abbreviations of traditional sources. For the first time ever, thirty-five hundred years of accumulated secret wisdom, drawn from the wells of a great spiritual tradition, is at your fingertips.   2007 National Jewish Book Award Winner Finalist in the Reference Category Finalist - Jewish Library Association 2007 Book Awards  

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