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Gods in Color: Polychromy in the Ancient…

Gods in Color: Polychromy in the Ancient World (original 2017; édition 2017)

par Vinzenz Brinkmann (Auteur), Renée Dreyfus (Auteur), Ulrike Koch-Brinkmann (Auteur), John Camp (Contributeur), Heinrich Piening (Contributeur)

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272889,293 (4.17)2
"This stunning book uses 21st-century technology to reveal the original colors of ancient sculpture. When Renaissance artists sought to imitate ancient sculpture, their medium of choice was pure, white marble, but little did they know that the works they emulated were originally painted in dazzling and powerful hues-from red ocher and cinnabar to azurite and malachite. By illustrating painted reconstructions of well-known sculptures in relation to original examples, this volume reveals how ancient artists in Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Aegean, Greece, and Rome brought unexpected and breathtaking color to their artworks. Accompanying these reproductions are watercolors of Greece's landscapes dating from different years, which show how our perception of ancient art has changed over time. Generously illustrated, this book testifies that the study of ancient sculpture is incomplete without an understanding of the many ways that color was employed to bring such art to life"--… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Gods in Color: Polychromy in the Ancient World
Auteurs:Vinzenz Brinkmann (Auteur)
Autres auteurs:Renée Dreyfus (Auteur), Ulrike Koch-Brinkmann (Auteur), John Camp (Contributeur), Heinrich Piening (Contributeur)
Info:Prestel (2017), 192 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque
Mots-clés:exhibition catalog, polychromy

Information sur l'oeuvre

Gods in color par Vinzenz Brinkmann (2017)


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On the whole a very neat work, as the contributors explore how the image of the classical world as being a radiant white came to be, with some consideration of all the racist baggage that became attached to that notion. This is before moving on to how our understanding has changed about what (mostly) Greek and Roman sculpture actually looked like, with some very impressive reconstructions. Any downsides? Not really. Maybe that this has almost instantly become an expensive collector's item; at least it does seem to have a fairly wide availability as a library item. ( )
  Shrike58 | Sep 9, 2021 |
Those austere, serene, white marble statues from antiquity that we’ve gazed on in person or in books have revealed their glorious pallet of colours in designs we may never have thought of. 21st century technology has revealed the colours debased by time, and insights to the matter used to create them. The authors use before and after photos to suggest what these statues could have looked when first displayed publicly. ( )
  ShelleyAlberta | Dec 8, 2020 |
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"This stunning book uses 21st-century technology to reveal the original colors of ancient sculpture. When Renaissance artists sought to imitate ancient sculpture, their medium of choice was pure, white marble, but little did they know that the works they emulated were originally painted in dazzling and powerful hues-from red ocher and cinnabar to azurite and malachite. By illustrating painted reconstructions of well-known sculptures in relation to original examples, this volume reveals how ancient artists in Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Aegean, Greece, and Rome brought unexpected and breathtaking color to their artworks. Accompanying these reproductions are watercolors of Greece's landscapes dating from different years, which show how our perception of ancient art has changed over time. Generously illustrated, this book testifies that the study of ancient sculpture is incomplete without an understanding of the many ways that color was employed to bring such art to life"--

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