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Becoming MomStrong: How to Fight with All…

Becoming MomStrong: How to Fight with All That's in You for Your Family and Your Faith (édition 2017)

par Heidi St. John (Auteur)

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Have you ever looked into the faces of the people who call you "mom" and wondered what in the world you got yourself into?If you're like many Christian moms today, you've been reading the headlines and watching the rapid-fire changes in our culture with frustration and fear. Let's face it: Moms today are facing questions that previous generations didn't even see coming, and even our right to determine what is best for our own children is under fire. Popular speaker and blogger Heidi St. John (The Busy Mom) believes that today's mothers need a special kind of strength. We need to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. We dare not rely on human strength for the battles we're facing right now. In Becoming MomStrong, Heidi has a powerful message just for you--the mom in the midst of it all. Through encouragement, practical prayer points, and authentic "me-too" moments, Heidi equips you for a job that only you can do: to train your children to hear God's voice and to walk in truth no matter where our culture is heading. God wants to use this generation of mothers to do something extraordinary: To be strong in the Lord To know who you are in Christ, and To impart that strength to your kids. In other words, He wants you to be MomStrong! So if you're feeling tired or inadequate today, get ready to find new strength as you join Heidi St. John in Becoming MomStrong.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Becoming MomStrong: How to Fight with All That's in You for Your Family and Your Faith
Auteurs:Heidi St. John (Auteur)
Info:Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. (2017), 288 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Becoming MomStrong: How to Fight with All That's in You for Your Family and Your Faith par Heidi St. John


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The issue I have with it is that it comes off as a Christian woman writing a Christian book, but the author obviously has one foot in Christianese and one foot in the world.

I question whether God's word is the authority in her life, based on this book. Some of the things she wrote may have been in jest/trying to be funny.
pg 3, she and her husband are arguing and SURPRISE, they have visitors at their front door. After inviting them in and what I gather must have been small talk, Heidi asks the woman visitor about parenting, motioning all the books on the coffee table. The woman forthrightly mentions she's missing the Bible. (which brings me to Heidi's book, you don't need it; start studying the Bible).
pg. 20 ironically Heidi mentions "you are preparing warriors who at some point will be asked to choose between following God's law and following the culture. And in order to prepare warriors, you have to become a warrior yourself. (the phrase practice what you preach comes to mind).
pg 27 I did like this area about raising our children for God's kingdom. (whooo, I found something good after 27 pages).
pg 31 Heidi mentions cupid. (more culture)
pg 39 She talks about fighting our giants which would have been really good, except that it was portrayed in a way as leaning on her own strengths instead of the armour of God and standing on His word as our offense.
pg 50 this one is questionable, but it really felt as though she was covertly referencing Joel Osteen's book Best Life. (which is a whole kettle of worms of its own)
pg 60 - the proverbial straw that broke the camels back that made me stop reading the book. Strike three so to speak. More culture and she talks about her pride and writing a book and mentions being powerful Oz. Being transparent of our flaws is one thing, but to mix it with the world is not what God's word tells us to do, but to separate ourselves from it.

I find it sad to hear that she was a pastor's wife for 20 years and there are a few things I've found out about that are disparaging to her character, but that she is leading so many women astray. However, it is also up to us/ourselves, to read and study the Bible, and hold women like Heidi accountable. (no, it isn't judging, it's holding our brethen up/accountable in a loving manner). If we did, then women like Heidi might be a better Christian woman herself and the book would have been a better book for Christian women.

I'm terribly disappointed in this book and would like my money back, because I'd rather give it back to the publisher than pass it on to another woman. It's also a concern and definitely a picture of what the world is today based on the good reviews of this book. Where is the discernment? ( )
  VhartPowers | Dec 27, 2018 |
St. John fills the book with inspirational slogans, tips, stories that focus primarily on to survive each day through prayer and faith. She acknowledges that a mother cannot be everything to everyone one percent of the time. What comes through is her vulnerability that self-doubt created in her and how she used her faith get by.

I received this book through a Goodreads giveaway. Although encouraged, I was under no obligation to write a review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. ( )
  bemislibrary | Dec 31, 2017 |
My sisters and I decided to purchase this book and workbook from Amazon and do the bible study ourselves. All opinions are my own. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟Becoming Mom Strong by Heidi St John is an amazing book all on its own for any mom in any stage of mothering. Whether your children are grown or newborn. However the workbook really brings in the combining this book with scripture and builds on your own relationship with God. Heidi uses her own personal successes and failures in a joyous way that anyone can relate to. A very personal touch for Moms who are struggling or not. This book is the perfect baby shower gift because even if Mom doesn't get to read it right away, whenever her "mom schedule" does allow her to read it she will relate herself to it. #MomStong ( )
  SBoren | Nov 30, 2017 |
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Have you ever looked into the faces of the people who call you "mom" and wondered what in the world you got yourself into?If you're like many Christian moms today, you've been reading the headlines and watching the rapid-fire changes in our culture with frustration and fear. Let's face it: Moms today are facing questions that previous generations didn't even see coming, and even our right to determine what is best for our own children is under fire. Popular speaker and blogger Heidi St. John (The Busy Mom) believes that today's mothers need a special kind of strength. We need to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. We dare not rely on human strength for the battles we're facing right now. In Becoming MomStrong, Heidi has a powerful message just for you--the mom in the midst of it all. Through encouragement, practical prayer points, and authentic "me-too" moments, Heidi equips you for a job that only you can do: to train your children to hear God's voice and to walk in truth no matter where our culture is heading. God wants to use this generation of mothers to do something extraordinary: To be strong in the Lord To know who you are in Christ, and To impart that strength to your kids. In other words, He wants you to be MomStrong! So if you're feeling tired or inadequate today, get ready to find new strength as you join Heidi St. John in Becoming MomStrong.

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