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Love, hate & other filters par Samira Ahmed

Love, hate & other filters (édition 2018)

par Samira Ahmed

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
6443037,764 (3.93)7
Romance. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER
In this unforgettable debut novel, an Indian-American Muslim teen copes with Islamophobia, cultural divides among peers and parents, and a reality she can neither explain nor escape.

Seventeen-year-old Maya Aziz is torn between worlds. There's the proper one her parents expect for their good Indian daughter: attending a college close to their suburban Chicago home and being paired off with an older Muslim boy her mom deems "suitable." And then there is the world of her dreams: going to film school and living in New York City—and pursuing a boy she's known from afarsince grade school.
But in the aftermath of a horrific crime perpetrated hundreds of miles away, her life is turned upside down. The community she's known since birth becomes unrecognizable; neighbors and classmates are consumed with fear, bigotry, and hatred. Ultimately, Maya must find the strength within to determine where she truly belongs.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Love, hate & other filters
Auteurs:Samira Ahmed
Info:New York, NY : Soho Teen, [2018]
Collections:4/1/2018, 4/24/2017

Information sur l'oeuvre

Love, Hate and Other Filters par Samira Ahmed

Récemment ajouté parbibliothèque privée, jlwllm12, phillyd92, alwaysalreadythecase, ahfanale, Krista.Bordeleau, mel.g, my_Questrom, rehpii

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» Voir aussi les 7 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 30 (suivant | tout afficher)
Cute young-adult novel that touches on some more serious issues. ( )
  bangerlm | Jan 18, 2023 |
DNF 30%
  Ella_Zegarra | Jan 18, 2022 |
Batavia, Illinois, Contemporary (p. 2018)

1 Muslim Indian American Teen
1 Film-making Dream that Meets with Parental Disapproval
Many Classic Movie References That I would Like to Explore

2 Overprotective Parents
1 Very Cool Aunt

1 Love Triangle that Lasts Maybe Half a Minute, Featuring:
* 1 Football Playing High School Royal with Dimples and Secret Depth
* 1 Handsome, Witty, Charming, Understanding College Boy with the Death Knell of Being Deemed "Suitable"

Tone Whiplash When the Cute RomCom Suddenly Involves:
* A Terrorist Attack on a Federal Building
* Islamophobia
* Actual Assault

The Short Version
When I picked this up, I was thoroughly charmed by Maya - her fascination for old movies, framing her life as scenes from movies and even hiding behind the camera to avoid the starring role. The tone felt similar to Netflix's Never Have I Ever (which I thoroughly enjoy). I wasn't enthusiastic about the love triangle (Forbidden Fruit v. Suitable Boy), but I'm rarely a fan of those anyway.

Despite the hints from small passages from the terrorist's point of view, I was taken aback (as was Maya) by the sudden and personal impact of Islamophobia. A lot of the aggressive and ignorant comments sounded incredibly familiar - though the teachers at my school certainly did even less to help address it. The incident really upends both Maya's life and the narrative - quite an effective device, but the tone doesn't stay changed. The climactic moments are drastic, but the epilogue is quite cute and hopeful with very little exploration of the emotional impact of the big decision.

I felt the ending lets the book down as the stakes suddenly climb to astronomical but the ending feels Hallmark-y. A shame because I was really quite invested in Maya and loved her POV. ( )
  Caramellunacy | Jan 15, 2022 |
Great book about the Muslim-American experience which added a unique flair on the typical story of going against your parent's wishes for your future. ( )
  KimZoot | Jan 2, 2022 |
A beautifully written story about love, family, culture, and Islamphobia. Indian and Muslim Maya Aziz and her family lives in a predominantly white town. She loves to make films and wants to attend NYU for filmmaking. Her parents are unaware of her plans, and they have her own plans for her. Maya also has a crush on a white boy, and is friendly to the Hindu and Muslim young man that her parents would love for her to marry. Then a tragic event happens miles away, and the rippling effects threatens Maya and her family, further straining their relationship. Love and hate are far more complicated when cultures clash, fear, racism, bigotry, and phobias permeate. ( )
  AdwoaCamaraIfe | Aug 22, 2021 |
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His mind wanders back six months to a fetid basement.
Destiny sucks.
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Romance. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER
In this unforgettable debut novel, an Indian-American Muslim teen copes with Islamophobia, cultural divides among peers and parents, and a reality she can neither explain nor escape.

Seventeen-year-old Maya Aziz is torn between worlds. There's the proper one her parents expect for their good Indian daughter: attending a college close to their suburban Chicago home and being paired off with an older Muslim boy her mom deems "suitable." And then there is the world of her dreams: going to film school and living in New York City—and pursuing a boy she's known from afarsince grade school.
But in the aftermath of a horrific crime perpetrated hundreds of miles away, her life is turned upside down. The community she's known since birth becomes unrecognizable; neighbors and classmates are consumed with fear, bigotry, and hatred. Ultimately, Maya must find the strength within to determine where she truly belongs.

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Moyenne: (3.93)
2 1
2.5 2
3 25
3.5 8
4 42
4.5 2
5 26

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