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Insight Guides : Great Breaks : Bath

par Insight Guides

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The iconic Roman Baths, medieval Abbey, exquisite Georgian architecture and the luxurious Thermae Spa: no vacation in the UK is complete without a visit to Bath. Great Breaks Bath is a collection of 10 illuminating walks and tours in and around this elegant city, guiding you through the museums, gardens and architectural gems of Bath. Plus there are excursions further afield to the dynamic city of Bristol, Wells Cathedral, and the ancient site of Stonehenge - all accompanied by vivid full-color photographs, clear maps, and plenty of recommendations for where to eat and drink.   It's packed full of ideas to inspire you, with the 10 top attractions in Bath, including the imposing Royal Crescent and following in the footsteps of Jane Austen; plus sections on active vacations and themed breaks. Features on Bath's architecture, thermal springs and literary heritage provide a cultural backdrop to the city, while practical information and our selective accommodations listings make planning your trip a breeze.  … (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parJohnWickenden, eyelit, marymcl

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The iconic Roman Baths, medieval Abbey, exquisite Georgian architecture and the luxurious Thermae Spa: no vacation in the UK is complete without a visit to Bath. Great Breaks Bath is a collection of 10 illuminating walks and tours in and around this elegant city, guiding you through the museums, gardens and architectural gems of Bath. Plus there are excursions further afield to the dynamic city of Bristol, Wells Cathedral, and the ancient site of Stonehenge - all accompanied by vivid full-color photographs, clear maps, and plenty of recommendations for where to eat and drink.   It's packed full of ideas to inspire you, with the 10 top attractions in Bath, including the imposing Royal Crescent and following in the footsteps of Jane Austen; plus sections on active vacations and themed breaks. Features on Bath's architecture, thermal springs and literary heritage provide a cultural backdrop to the city, while practical information and our selective accommodations listings make planning your trip a breeze.  

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