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The City of the Golden Sun (2004)

par Marilyn Peake

Séries: The Fisherman's Son (2)

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The City of the Golden Sun is the sequel to the well-received children's fantasy adventure novel, The Fisherman's Son. In the first book, the main character, Wiley O'Mara, rescued six boys trapped in an ancient city submerged beneath the ocean. Now he and the other boys return to "The City of the Golden Sun." Once there, Wiley takes a backseat to Keegan, the son of King Reginauld, and to the magnificence of the ancient city itself. Wiley and his friends immerse themselves in the daily life of the city, so that both Wiley and the reader can truly experience "The City of the Golden Sun." In the third book, it will be up to Wiley and the boys to bring news of this ancient culture to the now impoverished island. The fictional city is based on extensive research into ancient Greece and Rome, theories about a possible Atlantis, and Ireland. The City of the Golden Sun includes elements of all these places, and much more Rebecca Brown, Editor and Publisher of Another grand adventure from Marilyn Peake that will keep young readers glued to the pages. Often intensely lyrical, gigglingly funny & always magical, with sea creatures galore, Humpback Whales, Porpoises & Turtles, oh my..! Jennie S. Bev, Author and Managing Editor, Childhood adventure, friendship, courage and compassion are the theme of this sequel, which is depicted with detailed and colorful setting and strong narration. Author Peake's story telling ability is remarkable; readers can be easily taken seamlessly into the underwater city where dolphins and fishes live harmoniously with people. . Author Peake, once again, captivates the readers with vivid imagination andenormous details so realistic that the readers could feel as if they experience the adventure by themselves. I will not be surprised if the trilogy becomes best-selling children's books. The author deserves it. Tracy Farnsworth, THE CITY… (plus d'informations)

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The City of the Golden Sun is the sequel to the well-received children's fantasy adventure novel, The Fisherman's Son. In the first book, the main character, Wiley O'Mara, rescued six boys trapped in an ancient city submerged beneath the ocean. Now he and the other boys return to "The City of the Golden Sun." Once there, Wiley takes a backseat to Keegan, the son of King Reginauld, and to the magnificence of the ancient city itself. Wiley and his friends immerse themselves in the daily life of the city, so that both Wiley and the reader can truly experience "The City of the Golden Sun." In the third book, it will be up to Wiley and the boys to bring news of this ancient culture to the now impoverished island. The fictional city is based on extensive research into ancient Greece and Rome, theories about a possible Atlantis, and Ireland. The City of the Golden Sun includes elements of all these places, and much more Rebecca Brown, Editor and Publisher of Another grand adventure from Marilyn Peake that will keep young readers glued to the pages. Often intensely lyrical, gigglingly funny & always magical, with sea creatures galore, Humpback Whales, Porpoises & Turtles, oh my..! Jennie S. Bev, Author and Managing Editor, Childhood adventure, friendship, courage and compassion are the theme of this sequel, which is depicted with detailed and colorful setting and strong narration. Author Peake's story telling ability is remarkable; readers can be easily taken seamlessly into the underwater city where dolphins and fishes live harmoniously with people. . Author Peake, once again, captivates the readers with vivid imagination andenormous details so realistic that the readers could feel as if they experience the adventure by themselves. I will not be surprised if the trilogy becomes best-selling children's books. The author deserves it. Tracy Farnsworth, THE CITY

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