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A Pictorial Guide to the Lakeland Fells, Book 4: The Southern Fells (1960)

par Alfred Wainwright

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119Aucun237,312 (4.25)1
Originally compiled in the 1950s and early 1960s, the Wainwright walking guides are perhaps the most distinctive and unusual such guides ever devised. The result of painstaking and lengthy research by their namesake and author over a period of thirteen years, the guides have retained their original format and design to this day. The books contain intricate hand drawn sketches by the author, detailing routes of ascent, and gradients of the hills in and around the Lake District and outlying regions. The seven guides covering the Fells district, as well as the Outlying Fells of Lakeland will be reissued by Frances Lincoln in April.… (plus d'informations)

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is dedicated to
the hardiest of all fellwalkers
the truest lovers of the mountains,
their natural homes and providers of their food and shelter
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Readers should note (preferably before purchasing!) that these books have not been revised since first publication, except for a few minor corrections, nor is it intended to undertake any revisions in future.

[Author's note].
Any division of the Lakeland fells into geographical districts must necessarily arbitrary, just as the location of the outer boundaries of Lakeland must always be matter of opinion.

The Southern Fells comprise two well-defined mountain systems.

The Southern Fells.
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(Cliquez pour voir. Attention : peut vendre la mèche.)
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This is Book 4 of Wainwright's guides to the Lake District, covering the Southern Fells. If this is not your book, please edit the title of the your copy to leave out the "being an illustrated account" bit, as the system gets confused if the title is too long.

This should include the 50th Anniversary Edition, but please do not combine this with the 2nd Edition, which contains updated information.
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Courtes éloges de critiques
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DDC/MDS canonique
LCC canonique
Originally compiled in the 1950s and early 1960s, the Wainwright walking guides are perhaps the most distinctive and unusual such guides ever devised. The result of painstaking and lengthy research by their namesake and author over a period of thirteen years, the guides have retained their original format and design to this day. The books contain intricate hand drawn sketches by the author, detailing routes of ascent, and gradients of the hills in and around the Lake District and outlying regions. The seven guides covering the Fells district, as well as the Outlying Fells of Lakeland will be reissued by Frances Lincoln in April.

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