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The Cabin par Natasha Preston

The Cabin (édition 2016)

par Natasha Preston (Auteur)

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7561830,998 (3.17)1
Suspense. Thriller. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

There may only be one killer, but no one is innocent in this new young adult thriller from Natasha Preston, author of The Cellar, a New York Times Bestseller, and Awake

They think they're invincible.
/> They think they can do and say whatever they want.
They think there are no consequences.
They've left me no choice.
It's time for them to pay for their sins.
A weekend partying at a remote cabin is just what Mackenzie needs. She can't wait to let loose with her friends. But a crazy night of fun leaves two of them dead-murdered.
With no signs of a forced entry or struggle, suspicion turns to the five survivors. Someone isn't telling the truth. And Mackenzie's first mistake? Assuming the killing is over...

.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Cabin
Auteurs:Natasha Preston (Auteur)
Info:Sourcebooks Fire (2016), 336 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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The Cabin par Natasha Preston


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Affichage de 1-5 de 18 (suivant | tout afficher)
The premise is very good. 6 teens in a remote cabin. When they wake up after a drug affected sleep, two are found brutally murdered and all the doors are locked from the inside. Mackenzie the narrator knows it wasn't her - she loved Courtney her best friend and even though she hated her boyfriend Josh, she didn't kill him. Was it Blake, Josh's outsider, estranged and very odd brother - the newbie of the group that Mackenzie has fallen for? Or was it one of her other friends - Kyle, Megan or Aaron who all have their reasons for killing Josh. Or was it someone outside?
When someone bashes Blakes' uncle and Mackenzie starts getting threatening text messages, she knows she is close to uncovering the truth.

Like April Henry books but not as well written. Kids will like because it has the "I know what you did last Summer" vibe. ( )
  nicsreads | Jul 30, 2024 |
My review of this book can be found on my YouTube Vlog at:

  booklover3258 | Oct 5, 2023 |
Mackenzie plans to enjoy her time with her friends at Josh's cabin this weekend, even if Josh himself disgusts her. The group is joined by Josh's brother, Blake, who Josh has mostly lived apart from since their parents got divorced. Mackenzie is prepared for Blake to be just as awful as Josh, but she finds herself actually enjoying his company...enough to sleep with him that night, even though she never does one night stands.

The next morning, everyone wakes up with massive hangovers, only to discover that Josh and his girlfriend Courtney were stabbed to death in the kitchen sometime during the night. They were all drunk, but surely someone should have heard something?

Unfortunately, since the cabin was locked up and there were no signs of forced entry, the police immediately assume that someone in the group must have committed the murders. Mackenzie refuses to believe that one of her friends could be capable of such a thing, and she's so drawn to Blake that she doesn't believe he could have done it either. But if the killer wasn't one of them, then who was? And what if those around Mackenzie have more secrets than she realizes?

I wasn't a fan of the first book by Preston I read, The Cellar, and this one made me regret that I still have three more of Preston's books in my collection to read. This is what I get for buying multiple books by a new-to-me author. In my defense, three of them were a shrink-wrapped bargain set. But still.

Most of the characters were morons. The only halfway smart one was Blake, and that might've just been because he was constantly around Mackenzie and therefore looked smarter by comparison. Mackenzie was...frustrating. She was convinced the cops were overlooking something, but her method of "investigation" mostly involved looking around frantically, blowing up at Blake anytime he asked logical questions that took things in directions she didn't agree with, and telling herself repeatedly that the murderer couldn't possibly be any of her friends as all of them gradually told her enormous secrets that gave them all motives.

She constantly wanted to go to the police with half-baked theories and random "evidence" she found that I'm pretty sure couldn't legally be used (a random wrapper with some blood on it that she, a suspect, said she'd found in the woods?). And yet when she did have something genuinely alarming that she should have shared with the police, threatening texts from an unknown number, she kept it to herself.

The ending was a mess. It seemed like Preston was attempting a twist, but it was so sloppily done that it fell flat. It didn't help that the characters continued to be morons right up to the end. The last paragraph just about made my eyes roll out of my head.

(Original review posted on A Library Girl's Familiar Diversions.) ( )
  Familiar_Diversions | Jul 5, 2023 |
Un fin de semana de juerga en una cabaña remota es justamente lo que Mackenzie necesita. Quiere divertirse a tope con sus amigos, lejos de los padres y las obligaciones. Pero tras una noche loca, dos de ellos mueren... asesinados.
Sin signos de que la puerta haya sido forzada y ningún rastro de forcejeo, las sospechas recaen sobre el grupo de amigos. Entre ellos solo hay un asesino. Pero ninguno es inocente.
  Natt90 | Dec 13, 2022 |
I read the reviews on this book before I picked it up but I shrugged them off because I've read a handful of Miss Preston's other works and enjoyed them. However, this book drove me crazy. The instalove was terrible and distracting. Rather than being concerned about finding her best friend's killer, the main character kept fantasizing about a guy she had just met the night her friend died. She kept making terrible choices and several times, I wished I could've shaken some sense into her.

Although the book was tense and the suspense kept me reading to the end, I thought the ending was disappointing. While I'll recommend any of Miss Preston's books any day of the week, I would not recommend this one unless of course you're a fan of instalove. ( )
  Kayla.Krantz | Feb 14, 2020 |
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Suspense. Thriller. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

There may only be one killer, but no one is innocent in this new young adult thriller from Natasha Preston, author of The Cellar, a New York Times Bestseller, and Awake

They think they're invincible.
They think they can do and say whatever they want.
They think there are no consequences.
They've left me no choice.
It's time for them to pay for their sins.
A weekend partying at a remote cabin is just what Mackenzie needs. She can't wait to let loose with her friends. But a crazy night of fun leaves two of them dead-murdered.
With no signs of a forced entry or struggle, suspicion turns to the five survivors. Someone isn't telling the truth. And Mackenzie's first mistake? Assuming the killing is over...


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