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Loverboy (Dartmoor, #5)

par Lauren Gilley

Séries: Dartmoor (5)

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The Lean Dogs MC has long been a haven for the outlaws, the rebels, the ill-adjusted, and the outright monsters of Knoxville, Tennessee. They are a dark, dangerous brand of misfit, etched with ink, splattered with blood, and vilified by the town they call home. The only laws they follow are the ones set down in the club charter by their leather-clad forefathers. But some outlaws have secrets they can't even share with their club brothers. The Lean Dogs call him "Tango," but once upon a time Kevin Estes went by "Loverboy." It's a past his club could never understand, one that's going to kill him. Loverboy is the fifth full-length installment in the Dartmoor Series and is NOT a standalone. It handles sensitive, potentially-triggering subjects, and is intended for MATURE audiences only. Copyright (c) 2016 by Lauren Gilley… (plus d'informations)

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The Lean Dogs MC has long been a haven for the outlaws, the rebels, the ill-adjusted, and the outright monsters of Knoxville, Tennessee. They are a dark, dangerous brand of misfit, etched with ink, splattered with blood, and vilified by the town they call home. The only laws they follow are the ones set down in the club charter by their leather-clad forefathers. But some outlaws have secrets they can't even share with their club brothers. The Lean Dogs call him "Tango," but once upon a time Kevin Estes went by "Loverboy." It's a past his club could never understand, one that's going to kill him. Loverboy is the fifth full-length installment in the Dartmoor Series and is NOT a standalone. It handles sensitive, potentially-triggering subjects, and is intended for MATURE audiences only. Copyright (c) 2016 by Lauren Gilley

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