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Undemocratic: Rogue, Reckless and Renegade: How the Government is Stealing Democracy One Agency at a Time

par Jay Sekulow

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Jay Sekulow--one of America's most influential attorneys--explores a post Obama landscape where bureaucracy has taken over our government and provides a practical roadmap to help take back our personal liberties. Jay Sekulow is on a mission to defend Americans' freedom. The fact is that freedom is under attack like never before. The threat comes from the fourth branch of government--the biggest branch--and the only branch not in the Constitution: the federal bureaucracy. The bureaucracy imposes thousands of new laws every year, without a single vote from Congress. The bureaucracy violates the rights of Americans without accountability--persecuting adoptive parents, denying veterans quality healthcare, discriminating against conservatives and Christians for partisan purposes, and damaging our economy with job-killing rules. Americans are bullied by the very institutions established to protect their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our nation's bureaucrats are on an undemocratic power trip. But Sekulow has a plan to fight back. We can resist illegal abuse, we can reform a broken system, and we can restore American democracy. This book won't just tell you how to win, it will show you real victories achieved by Sekulow and the American Center for Law and Justice. Unless we can roll back the fourth branch of govern­ment--the most dangerous branch--our elections will no longer matter. Undemocratic is a wake-up call, a call made at just the right time--before it's too late to save the democracy we love.… (plus d'informations)

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Jay Sekulow--one of America's most influential attorneys--explores a post Obama landscape where bureaucracy has taken over our government and provides a practical roadmap to help take back our personal liberties. Jay Sekulow is on a mission to defend Americans' freedom. The fact is that freedom is under attack like never before. The threat comes from the fourth branch of government--the biggest branch--and the only branch not in the Constitution: the federal bureaucracy. The bureaucracy imposes thousands of new laws every year, without a single vote from Congress. The bureaucracy violates the rights of Americans without accountability--persecuting adoptive parents, denying veterans quality healthcare, discriminating against conservatives and Christians for partisan purposes, and damaging our economy with job-killing rules. Americans are bullied by the very institutions established to protect their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our nation's bureaucrats are on an undemocratic power trip. But Sekulow has a plan to fight back. We can resist illegal abuse, we can reform a broken system, and we can restore American democracy. This book won't just tell you how to win, it will show you real victories achieved by Sekulow and the American Center for Law and Justice. Unless we can roll back the fourth branch of govern­ment--the most dangerous branch--our elections will no longer matter. Undemocratic is a wake-up call, a call made at just the right time--before it's too late to save the democracy we love.

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