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HeartPrints: Celebrating the Power of a Simple Touch

par Sandra P. Aldrich

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Many women incorrectly assume that they cannot make a meaningful contribution to the world because they see themselves as “average” and their talents and activities as unimportant or mundane. Yet every woman has talents of immeasurable value: the talent to love, to care, to pray, to serve, to be with someone in need. Women sometimes forget this; they lose sight of how important they really are. It is during these times that they must be gently reminded that they don’t need to become someone special…because special is something they already are. Within the pages ofHeartPrints, the reader will find inspiring stories about ordinary women who have had an extraordinary impact on others. She’ll see how the simplest gestures can make a difference for the kingdom of God. And she’ll discover motivation to reach out to others as only she can, leaving heartprints on their lives simply by being the wonderful, one-of-a-kind woman God has created her to be.… (plus d'informations)

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Many women incorrectly assume that they cannot make a meaningful contribution to the world because they see themselves as “average” and their talents and activities as unimportant or mundane. Yet every woman has talents of immeasurable value: the talent to love, to care, to pray, to serve, to be with someone in need. Women sometimes forget this; they lose sight of how important they really are. It is during these times that they must be gently reminded that they don’t need to become someone special…because special is something they already are. Within the pages ofHeartPrints, the reader will find inspiring stories about ordinary women who have had an extraordinary impact on others. She’ll see how the simplest gestures can make a difference for the kingdom of God. And she’ll discover motivation to reach out to others as only she can, leaving heartprints on their lives simply by being the wonderful, one-of-a-kind woman God has created her to be.

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