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Tortillas and Lullabies Big Book par Lynn…

Tortillas and Lullabies Big Book (édition 1998)

par Lynn Reiser (Auteur)

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2269123,719 (3.63)Aucun
A young girl describes activities that her great-grandmother, grandmother, and mother all did for their daughters, and that she does for her doll.
Titre:Tortillas and Lullabies Big Book
Auteurs:Lynn Reiser (Auteur)
Info:Hampton Brown (1998)
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Tortillas and Lullabies/Tortillas y cancioncitas (Spanish Edition) par Lynn Reiser


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Repetitive book that has a mom, daughter, gram, and doll. They do things for each other with tortillas, clothes, and flowers. They all do the same thing, but it is still different. It is in both English and Spanish.

Located in culture bin
  B-Chad | Jun 29, 2023 |
Everyone has their own take on traditions: canciones, washing, making tortillas. The art is inspired by the painting exhibit in a Costa Rican farming village. 5/10
  MichelleCota | Sep 19, 2022 |
This is a multicultural book that has both spanish and english in it. This book talks about how a family is connected. They make tortillas, pick flowers, washed clothes together and sang lullabies to each other. It teaches about a families love and how generations can change, but love remains constant.
Age- 3-5
Source- Pierce County Library Systems
  JodieHarris | Mar 6, 2018 |
A little girl is surrounded by the love of her family and is a comparison of how women in one family pass down traditions.
  Jennifer LeGault | Oct 17, 2016 |
Summary: Tortillas and Lullabies is a bilingual book that tells about some of the traditions that is passed down through a girl’s family from her great grandmother to her.

Personal Reaction: The pictures are very colorful! I thought it was neat how the author made a simple book by allowing readers to read the book in either English or Spanish.

Extension Ideas:
1. This would be a good book to read to the class during hispanic heritage month.
2. Have the kids choose one of the Spanish words that they learned and then have them draw a colorful picture to go with it.
  Alicia917934 | Jul 17, 2015 |
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A young girl describes activities that her great-grandmother, grandmother, and mother all did for their daughters, and that she does for her doll.

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