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Heart Of The Wolf (Eye Of The Storm, #3)

par Dianna Hardy

Séries: Eye of the Storm (3)

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The third book in the erotic, dark paranormal, international bestselling fantasy series, Eye Of The Storm. Lydia becomes ever closer to her three mates. However, with unrest all around, she is struggling to keep her wolves together for her first full moon, just twenty-four hours away. A trip back home for Ryan could bring much needed support for them all, but at what cost? As The Trident close in on Ryan's pack, the pack itself becomes divided over Lydia's presence and Lawrence is encouraged to return as the Alpha. But they don't know his secret, and he's doubtful of his ability to protect them. Can he fulfil his rightful role, or will his efforts prove fatal? Meanwhile, among the arid plains of Egypt, in a long-forgotten city, one man is pitting himself against the beast inside him in order to find salvation, only to realise, so much more is at stake than his soul. 18+ (adult scenes and very strong language, including scenes which some readers may find uncomfortable) Paranormal fantasy Written in British English Reading order: 1. Releasing The Wolf 2. Cry Of The Wolf 3. Heart Of The Wolf 4. Return Of The Wolf (scheduled for Oct, 2014)… (plus d'informations)

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The third book in the erotic, dark paranormal, international bestselling fantasy series, Eye Of The Storm. Lydia becomes ever closer to her three mates. However, with unrest all around, she is struggling to keep her wolves together for her first full moon, just twenty-four hours away. A trip back home for Ryan could bring much needed support for them all, but at what cost? As The Trident close in on Ryan's pack, the pack itself becomes divided over Lydia's presence and Lawrence is encouraged to return as the Alpha. But they don't know his secret, and he's doubtful of his ability to protect them. Can he fulfil his rightful role, or will his efforts prove fatal? Meanwhile, among the arid plains of Egypt, in a long-forgotten city, one man is pitting himself against the beast inside him in order to find salvation, only to realise, so much more is at stake than his soul. 18+ (adult scenes and very strong language, including scenes which some readers may find uncomfortable) Paranormal fantasy Written in British English Reading order: 1. Releasing The Wolf 2. Cry Of The Wolf 3. Heart Of The Wolf 4. Return Of The Wolf (scheduled for Oct, 2014)

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