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Malrith's Shield

par Azalea Moone

Séries: Dreamtide (1)

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In a world where dragons are killed on sight and their summoners executed, Kohaku finds love in the arms of Sawyer, the hunter who saved his life. Together, the two search for a missing dragon and dare to fight the evil that threatens them all. Azalea Moone breathes life into a world filled with magic in her new fantasy romance novel, Malrith's Shield. Forced into exile for being a dragon summoner, Kohaku's problems only worsen when his dragon becomes inexplicably dormant. In attempt to find the reasons why, he runs into Sawyer, the handsome dragon hunter who freed him from persecution two years ago, and winds up awakening something very different--a love like no other he's experienced before. Sawyer's never forgotten about the gorgeous red-haired summoner. He sets out to prove he's no longer interested in slaying dragons. Instead, he wants to gain Kohaku's trust, and his affection, while he helps search for the key in the dragon's recovery. However, there's another frightful magic at play, and suddenly things are starting to fall apart around them. Can they maintain this forbidden love while facing the evils coming their way? Content Notes: Spicy, Anal Intercourse, Fantasy, Paranormal, GLBT, M/M… (plus d'informations)
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In a world where dragons are killed on sight and their summoners executed, Kohaku finds love in the arms of Sawyer, the hunter who saved his life. Together, the two search for a missing dragon and dare to fight the evil that threatens them all. Azalea Moone breathes life into a world filled with magic in her new fantasy romance novel, Malrith's Shield. Forced into exile for being a dragon summoner, Kohaku's problems only worsen when his dragon becomes inexplicably dormant. In attempt to find the reasons why, he runs into Sawyer, the handsome dragon hunter who freed him from persecution two years ago, and winds up awakening something very different--a love like no other he's experienced before. Sawyer's never forgotten about the gorgeous red-haired summoner. He sets out to prove he's no longer interested in slaying dragons. Instead, he wants to gain Kohaku's trust, and his affection, while he helps search for the key in the dragon's recovery. However, there's another frightful magic at play, and suddenly things are starting to fall apart around them. Can they maintain this forbidden love while facing the evils coming their way? Content Notes: Spicy, Anal Intercourse, Fantasy, Paranormal, GLBT, M/M

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