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All of You (All of Me, #2)

par Gina Sorelle

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Brilliant geneticist Kat Ciaramitaro is the only level-headed one in a big Italian family where crazy reigns supreme. A life-altering medical diagnosis seven years ago changed a lot of things, but most days, Kat handles the emotional and physical baggage just fine. Because that's what strong women do - they stand and they deal. Alone. Cleveland Police Officer Danny MacDonough is broken. A childhood spent in foster care has left him feeling unwanted and unlovable, but Danny's been making up for lost time - grabbing happiness where he can, when he can...all the while making sure no one gets too close to see the cracks in his well-honed fa#65533;ade. Eighteen months of simmering attraction finally explodes into an all-consuming, passionate relationship. But Kat is ill, Danny is wounded, and nothing about what develops between them is easy or neat. So with their hearts and souls on the line, Danny & Kat must ultimately decide what will win: his past, her future, or their love.… (plus d'informations)

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Brilliant geneticist Kat Ciaramitaro is the only level-headed one in a big Italian family where crazy reigns supreme. A life-altering medical diagnosis seven years ago changed a lot of things, but most days, Kat handles the emotional and physical baggage just fine. Because that's what strong women do - they stand and they deal. Alone. Cleveland Police Officer Danny MacDonough is broken. A childhood spent in foster care has left him feeling unwanted and unlovable, but Danny's been making up for lost time - grabbing happiness where he can, when he can...all the while making sure no one gets too close to see the cracks in his well-honed fa#65533;ade. Eighteen months of simmering attraction finally explodes into an all-consuming, passionate relationship. But Kat is ill, Danny is wounded, and nothing about what develops between them is easy or neat. So with their hearts and souls on the line, Danny & Kat must ultimately decide what will win: his past, her future, or their love.

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