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Cómo se cuenta un cuento (Taller de cine…

Cómo se cuenta un cuento (Taller de cine dirigida por Gabriel García Márquez) (édition 1995)

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On this personal work, García Márquez reveals some of the main keys in the creation of a text, as well as some elements of the complex process of the making of a story, of a fiction settled in words, and, at the same time, he shares some angles of his own creative work. In the words of the author himself:“ What matters most in this world to me is the creative process. What kind of mystery is such so that the simple desire of telling stories become a passion, so that a human being is willing to die for it; to starve, to freeze, anything, in order to be able to do one thing that cannot be seen nor touch and that, if you think of it, is good for nothing?”… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Cómo se cuenta un cuento (Taller de cine dirigida por Gabriel García Márquez)
Info:Voluntad Interés General (1995), 256 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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How to Tell a Story par Gabriel Garcia Marquez


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Gabriel Garcia Marquezauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Piccoli, Anna MariaTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
ماركيز, جابرييل جارسياTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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On this personal work, García Márquez reveals some of the main keys in the creation of a text, as well as some elements of the complex process of the making of a story, of a fiction settled in words, and, at the same time, he shares some angles of his own creative work. In the words of the author himself:“ What matters most in this world to me is the creative process. What kind of mystery is such so that the simple desire of telling stories become a passion, so that a human being is willing to die for it; to starve, to freeze, anything, in order to be able to do one thing that cannot be seen nor touch and that, if you think of it, is good for nothing?”

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