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Tempo de Tempestade - The Witcher - A saga…

Tempo de Tempestade - The Witcher - A saga do bruxo Geralt de Rivia - capa dura (Em Portugues do Brasil) (original 2013; édition 2019)

par Andrzej Sapkowski (Auteur)

Séries: Sorceleur (8)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
1,7572210,235 (3.83)17
Fantasy. Fiction. Mythology. Historical Fiction. HTML:Before he was the guardian of Ciri, the child of destiny, Geralt of Rivia was a legendary swordsman. Join the Witcher as he undertakes a deadly mission in this stand-alone adventure set in the Andrzej Sapkowki's groundbreaking epic fantasy world that inspired the hit Netflix show and the blockbuster video games.
Geralt of Rivia is a Witcher, one of the few capable of hunting the monsters that prey on humanity. He uses magical signs, potions, and the pride of every Witcher??two swords, steel and silver.
But a contract has gone wrong, and Geralt finds himself without his signature weapons. Now he needs them back, because sorcerers are scheming, and across the world clouds are gathering.
The season of storms is coming. . .
Witcher collections
The Last Wish
Sword of Destiny

Witcher novels
Blood of Elves
The Time of Contempt
Baptism of Fire
The Tower of Swallows
Lady of the Lake
Season of Storms

Hussite Trilogy
The Tower of Fools
Warriors of God

Translated from original Polish by David Fren
… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Tempo de Tempestade - The Witcher - A saga do bruxo Geralt de Rivia - capa dura (Em Portugues do Brasil)
Auteurs:Andrzej Sapkowski (Auteur)
Info:WMF Martins Fontes (2019)
Collections:Votre bibliothèque, En cours de lecture

Information sur l'oeuvre

La saison des orages par Andrzej Sapkowski (2013)


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A mutated individual who hunts monsters that threaten innocent lives, he isn’t supposed to be a name on people’s tongues, but he is and finds himself tangling with monsters he wasn’t trained to tackle. Season of Storms is a prequel novel and final installment in Andrzej Sapkowski’s The Witcher series that follows Geralt of Rivia as he finds himself looking for his stolen property while being a pawn in several power chess games.

This book read like a series of short stories that are interrelated to one another and not like a “normal” novel usually does. Given this was a prequel Sapowski tried to put this into the established timeline of everything he’d already written and so there was information to put this book into the timeline which felt ham fisted at best. While I went into this book willing to give it the benefit of the doubt, but like the last few books published before this one the quality was wanting and given the structure it just made me frustrated. Honestly there were incidents that if had been fashioned into short stories and the book a collection of numerous stories, I might have really like this book but given what it is I enjoyed the good parts and wanted to forget all the other stuff.

Season of Storms ends the Witcher saga is a somewhat limping note even though it was a prequel. ( )
  mattries37315 | Jul 5, 2024 |
A nice little palate cleanser to round out the series. ( )
  Belbo713 | Mar 11, 2024 |
I should have read this before the series, but it doesn't really matter. The stories are really just vignettes from the world of The Witcher. It's actually kind of exciting to hop back to the beginning. ( )
  rabbit-stew | Dec 31, 2023 |
Mostly boring and completely forgettable. It has familiar characters and story beats, but there is no tension, no stakes, no vibe of the other Witcher books.

This book has some good moments, but they are brief and don't leave the mark on the story. For a half of the book I was waiting for it to start, for the other half I was looking forward for it to end. It seems like the author had a couple of drafts for short stories, none of them developed enough to stand on its own, so he stiched them together. The end result feels more like a collection of side quests in a computer game you need to go through to collect XPs before you can return to the main plot - you could change the order of chapters or skip some of them entirely and no one would notice.

Plus half a star for the audiobook production quality and great voice actors in polish edition - Gosztyła, Pacek, Opania, Talar. They made this book bearable. ( )
  sperzdechly | Oct 7, 2023 |
It's neither particularly better nor particularly worse than any other entry in this series that I've read thus far. Perhaps the biggest place it falls behind the others is that its plot is almost more incomprehensible than any of the other books/short story collections. Perhaps there's a reason for the random storm late in the book, other than giving the book its title for no apparent reason, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what the reason was. A better title for this would have been "And suddenly, a storm".

There does seem to be some growth here, at least insofar as the commentary about the patriarchy using lack of access to abortion to women's healthcare as a way to control women. Perhaps Sapkowski learned something, somewhere. It's really hard to reconcile that with the off-handed eugenics comments from a character we're maybe supposed to like, the "bisexual(?) man is a serial killer psycopath who was raped(?) by an older man who was also raped and found he liked raping men, too, and attempts to rape Geralt" and the same-old, same-old cattiness of literally every female character.

There's a lot of rape as wallpaper in the book. As usual. But I guess we're supposed to be fine with it because someone auctions off a dildo to a rich lady. I’m also not sure if it’s a joke or not that Coral roofied Geralt. So many women with any form of power sexually harass men - and Geralt in particular - and sorceresses have joked and succeeded in roofying him - canonically, Triss did something of the sort - that I have no idea if Geralt is saying the flowers and apricots were enticing or were actually masking a magical working. I really wish Sapkowski would stop using male victims of sexual assault as a joke. It’s very likely this is meant as a reference to Yennefer, who, as I recall, always smelled of two things: lilacs and gooseberries. Geralt is stated to have faced sexual harassment from other prisoners while in prison, which may be an allusion to the high rates of sexual assault in male prison, but again, this book is just so filled with it and does nonsense like weird maybe jokes with it that I don't know what to think of this.

It says something that the women in this story - particularly the sorceresses, always hate each other for some reason, but the men actually seem to stand behind and support each other, even going to great lengths to do so. I don't know what it says other than that Sapkowski literally cannot write anyone at all. He can write despicable characters, I guess. I'm not sure how successful he is at writing characters you enjoy reading about. This was certainly the most unforgiving slog I've had to deal with in this entire series.

The In Lust plotline was also so boring, and I think it was going with "more of what he's done before". Geralt hops in a lot of beds this book, but unfortunately, this is before he reunites with Yennefer, so Yennefer can't be his love interest. But he has to have one because... it's a Witcher book and for some reason all women fall in love with him.

I have no idea what to make of the idea that women who are rejected from magic school, still with a hunger for magic, become lawyers. Or that the judiciary is a “safe haven” of some kind. And the female judge is apparently HIGHLY concerned with… housework and dealing with the outcome of the anal sex she apparently had, that was injurious, and that is worth mentioning for No Apparent Fucking Reason. While doing her job. I don’t know if this is meant to emphasize Geralt’s lack of importance in the grand scheme of things to most people who aren’t him, or that female judges apparently cannot focus on their jobs, or that Sapkowski literally cannot imagine what else a bored female judge might find to occupy her time, like, oh, I don’t know, A MOUNTAIN OF OTHER CASEWORK???

I'm also not sure what the purpose of the farting guard tower run entirely by women who sexually harass Geralt is meant to signify, nor Geralt’s lack of faith in what is seemingly no different than any other guard tower, just run by dudes. We did just leave a room where the kings were described as pirating pedophilic morons who struggle to be considered decent society. But then, it's not much better or worse than any other introduction to a Witcher book.

There are some good moments with Dandelion. We meet Dandelion’s cousin, Ferrant. And Dandelion interceded on Geralt’s behalf! And was smart about it actually! …And then he describes this “She’s a sorceress. An enchantress and a woman in one; in a word, an alien species that doesn’t submit to rational understanding, and functions according to mechanisms and principles incomprehensible to ordinary men.” And yup. Still the same book Dandelion. You love to want to throw him off a bridge. I actually rather like the book's last Dandelion scene, though. That would make a nice piece of art.

Mosaik seems like a nice character. Addarion Bach seems like someone with a far more interesting story than any other character in this series. I think that's one improvement this book had over others - it really tapped into creating a world where clearly all these side characters have intricate backstories and Geralt is not the center of the universe. Unfortunately the result is that you'd rather be in THEIR stories, and the story on its own is an overly convoluted mess of honestly boring nonsense and rape.

Watch the 2019 Netflix show. Play the third game, even if it's too cowardly to have made a game focused on Ciri with the excuse that the trilogy is meant to be about Geralt when even the third GAME isn't about Geralt and the second one is BARELY about him. You want magic hijinks? Read Tamora Pierce's "Circle of Magic". That's got quite a few bad people screwing around with sorcery, and some rather good commentary about good versus evil, political machinations, the plight of the marginalized, and the cost of war, politicking, and "it doesn't happen to me, so it's not my problem" rhetoric. And romance! And humor! And friendship! Sarah Monette's "Doctrine of Labyrinths" is also a wonderful series about trauma, grooming, magical political machinations, mental illness, zealotry, imposter syndrome, and the feeling of trying and failing. You want a story about a mad king and the bad decisions made when you've stopped caring about anyone but yourself? Watch the first two seasons of the "Castlevania" anime. Don't read this. ( )
  AnonR | Aug 5, 2023 |
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Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Andrzej Sapkowskiauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Bagińska-Shinzato, OlgaTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Belletti, RaffaellaTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Faraldo Jarillo, José MaríaTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
French, David ATraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Håkanson, TomasTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Hermann PéterTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Ivan, MichalConcepteur de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Kärkkäinen… TapaniKääNtäJä.auteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Kenny, PeterNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Komárek, StanislavTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Komárková, JanaIllustrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Linderoth, MattiasNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Lutovac, ZoranaTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Otero Macías, FernandoTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Panepinto, LaurenConcepteur de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Piorunowski, TomaszConcepteur de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Raszka-Dewez, CarolineTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Siebeck, OliverErzählerauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Simon, ErikÜbersetzerauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Tuma, LukášConcepteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Veenhof, TheoTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Velčev, VasilTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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«Dai ghul e dagli spettri,
dai mostri con lunghe zampe
e dalle creature che imperversano di notte
liberaci, buon Dio!»
Supplica nota col nome di Cornish Litany,
datata intorno ai sec. XIV-XV
«Si dice che il progresso illumini le tenebre. Ma l'oscurità esisterà sempre, sempre. E l'oscurità racchiuderà sempre il Male, l'oscurità racchiuderà sempre zanne e artigli, morte e sangue. Racchiuderà sempre creature che imperversano di notte. Ma noi strighi siamo qui per annientarle.»
Vesemir di Kaer Morhen
«Chi lotta contro i mostri si guardi dal divenire egli stesso un mostro. E se guarderai a lungo in un abisso, anche l'abisso finirà per guardare dentro di te.»
Friedrich Nietzsche, Al di là del bene e del male
«Ritengo il guardare in un abisso una totale idiozia. Il mondo è pieno di cose più degne di essere guardate.»
Ranuncolo, Mezzo secolo di poesia
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It lived only to kill.
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A story is a largely false account of largely trivial events, fed to us by historians who are largely idiots.
If you feel fear it means there’s something to be feared, so be vigilant. Fear doesn’t have to be overcome. Just don’t yield to it.
Derniers mots
Informations provenant du Partage des connaissances italien. Modifiez pour passer à votre langue.
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Courtes éloges de critiques
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Fantasy. Fiction. Mythology. Historical Fiction. HTML:Before he was the guardian of Ciri, the child of destiny, Geralt of Rivia was a legendary swordsman. Join the Witcher as he undertakes a deadly mission in this stand-alone adventure set in the Andrzej Sapkowki's groundbreaking epic fantasy world that inspired the hit Netflix show and the blockbuster video games.
Geralt of Rivia is a Witcher, one of the few capable of hunting the monsters that prey on humanity. He uses magical signs, potions, and the pride of every Witcher??two swords, steel and silver.
But a contract has gone wrong, and Geralt finds himself without his signature weapons. Now he needs them back, because sorcerers are scheming, and across the world clouds are gathering.
The season of storms is coming. . .
Witcher collections
The Last Wish
Sword of Destiny

Witcher novels
Blood of Elves
The Time of Contempt
Baptism of Fire
The Tower of Swallows
Lady of the Lake
Season of Storms

Hussite Trilogy
The Tower of Fools
Warriors of God

Translated from original Polish by David Fren

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