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Explosive Demand

par Don Pendleton

Séries: Mack Bolan: SuperBolan (Douglas P. Wojtowicz, ghostwriter - Book 161)

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BANKING ON DESTRUCTION  Leaving behind a trail of blood in the heart of Columbia's cartel country, Mack Bolan arrives in Kuala Lumpur to target a gangster's nightclub, the secret center of a looming cyberattack on U.S. and Chinese banks. What appears to be a greed-motivated counterfeit ring is actually a conspiracy to ignite a global economic crisis. Bolan must figure out who stands to gain and trace the destruction back to its source. Then take the leader down.  This much Bolan knows: the enemy is powerful, intelligent and well armed. Putting everything he's got into tracking the mastermind takes him to the Soviet Union in the dead of winter, where he finds a Russian power broker gunning to rebuild his beloved country into a glorious superpower. Bolan has only one response and he calls it "scorched earth." … (plus d'informations)

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Mack Bolan: SuperBolan (Douglas P. Wojtowicz, ghostwriter - Book 161)
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BANKING ON DESTRUCTION  Leaving behind a trail of blood in the heart of Columbia's cartel country, Mack Bolan arrives in Kuala Lumpur to target a gangster's nightclub, the secret center of a looming cyberattack on U.S. and Chinese banks. What appears to be a greed-motivated counterfeit ring is actually a conspiracy to ignite a global economic crisis. Bolan must figure out who stands to gain and trace the destruction back to its source. Then take the leader down.  This much Bolan knows: the enemy is powerful, intelligent and well armed. Putting everything he's got into tracking the mastermind takes him to the Soviet Union in the dead of winter, where he finds a Russian power broker gunning to rebuild his beloved country into a glorious superpower. Bolan has only one response and he calls it "scorched earth." 

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