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A Triple Knot: A Novel par Emma Campion

A Triple Knot: A Novel (édition 2014)

par Emma Campion

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10933258,462 (3.61)9
Fiction. Literature. Historical Fiction. HTML:The critically acclaimed author of The King's Mistress brings another fascinating woman from history to life in an enthralling story of political intrigue, personal tragedy, and illicit love.

Joan of Kent, renowned beauty and cousin to King Edward III, is destined for a politically strategic marriage. As the king begins a long dynastic struggle to claim the crown of France, plunging England into the Hundred Years’ War, he negotiates her betrothal to a potential ally and heir of a powerful lordship.
But Joan, haunted by nightmares of her father’s execution at the hands of her treacherous royal kin, fears the king’s selection and is not resigned to her fate. She secretly pledges herself to one of the king’s own knights, one who has become a trusted friend and protector. Now she must defend her vow as the king—furious at Joan’s defiance—prepares to marry her off to another man.
In A Triple....
… (plus d'informations)
Titre:A Triple Knot: A Novel
Auteurs:Emma Campion
Info:Broadway Books (2014), Paperback, 480 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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A Triple Knot par Emma Campion


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Affichage de 1-5 de 34 (suivant | tout afficher)
Since Historical Fiction is my favourite genre, I always try to finish a novel that falls into this category, even if I find it really mediocre at some point. Unfortunately A Triple Knot is an exception. I gave up around the 50% mark, I just couldn't continue reading. How can a writer create such a boring book about one of the most intense, tumultuous eras in British History? Joan of Kent, the Black Prince, queen Isabella, queen Philippa and so many others...They were interesting, intriguing historical figures. In this novel, they are turnt into poorly-written characters of a Late Middle Ages soap-opera. We're talking snooze-fest stuff here.Even Thomas Holland, brave, black-wearing, dashing, cannot escape. And just how many times can one read about various fittings of various gowns?
  AmaliaGavea | Jul 15, 2018 |
This was a First Reads giveaway book.

I was wavering between 2 and 3 stars for this book. The main character frustrated me throughout the book. While it seemed like she was going to stand up for herself at a few points in the book, she always went along with whatever plan the current scheming person in her life had for her. She was far too trusting of people and I wanted to yell at her a few times that there was an ulterior motive for the "help" she was receiving. She seemed to try to figure out what could be in it for others, but never got there, generally trusting they had her best interest at heart. I gave it 3 stars because despite the frustration of the main characters spinelessness, it was a book that drew me in.
  sochri | Nov 21, 2017 |

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I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, thank you!

Since I read the ebook, the story wasn't completely spoiled for me by the original blurb. I've read the publisher has now changed the blurb and it does no longer contain the spoilers. So far, so good.

I've got to admit I'd never even heard about Joan of Kent, let alone know her story. Now is there not really a lot known of her life, but Emma Campion has used the little facts that survived six centuries to create a very interesting novel. As she was a cousin to the 'Black prince' (Richard II's father) and a ward of his parents, she was destined to become a pawn in their political games. But she doesn't just let that happen.

Overall, I liked the story. It's based on facts, filled in with a lot of speculation as to the whats and whys of everything. I enjoyed reading it. The writing was nice, but it was no fast read for me. I had some issues with the pacing. Some episodes were rather slow, and (in my humble opinion) seemed not so important but were given large portions of the book, while other more important passages felt rushed. Especially the ending felt very rushed and the story didn't feel complete yet. But those are just minor complaints, I would still recommend this book if you like historical novels about the Plantagenets... ( )
  Floratina | May 26, 2016 |
Every so often I get in the mood for one of these historical fictions about England's past royalty--this one is about Joan, the Fair Maid of Kent. Every time I finish one I think that I won't read another because they all have started sounding too much alike: the books, the heroines, the wars, the intrigues, etc. Some are better than others and this one is one of the better ones, not great, but good enough for a diversion. Free review copy from the publisher. ( )
  seeword | Dec 7, 2015 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
As a sequel of sorts to Campion's prior historical novel, which focused on the life of Alice Perrers, the mistress of Edward III, this story of Joan of Kent will appeal to fans of the novels of Sharon Kay Penman and authors of other sprawling historical epics. That said, this focuses very heavily on a romantic interpretation of Joan's romantic (mis)adventures in her early life, stopping just as she finally marries the heir to the throne, Edward, Prince of Wales -- which is unfortunate, as in many ways, she was really entering the most interesting part of her life and England's history just then.

As I noted, the emphasis here is on romance, although I enjoyed Campion's ability to capture the uncomfortable relationship between the royal family (Edward III, and his wife, Queen Phillippa) and Joan and her mother, in the wake of the execution of Joan's father for treason by Edward's mother. As Joan grows to maturity, and it becomes clear that her young cousin Edward, the heir, is obsessed with her, Philippa becomes equally obsessed with finding a way to be rid of her, to the extent of putting her at risk while isolated from friends and family and attending on the royal family at Ghent. But Joan finds her own way out of her predicament, thanks to her newfound charms and her love for an older soldier, Sir Thomas Holland. But her family has other marital plans for her, and the story of Joan and Thomas's battle to find happiness is the core of this novel.

Campion knows her era and the characters; the history is excellent. I do wish that she had decided to continue the plot beyond Joan's second marriage, and allowed us to glimpse the turmoil of those years through her eyes, but perhaps having covered the same ground in her previous novel, she decided it would have been superfluous. I'm not sure. Regardless, while I enjoyed this, I can't rate it as highly as I would the best historical novels; it's about a 3.7 star book for me. ( )
  Chatterbox | Dec 29, 2014 |
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Fiction. Literature. Historical Fiction. HTML:The critically acclaimed author of The King's Mistress brings another fascinating woman from history to life in an enthralling story of political intrigue, personal tragedy, and illicit love.

Joan of Kent, renowned beauty and cousin to King Edward III, is destined for a politically strategic marriage. As the king begins a long dynastic struggle to claim the crown of France, plunging England into the Hundred Years’ War, he negotiates her betrothal to a potential ally and heir of a powerful lordship.
But Joan, haunted by nightmares of her father’s execution at the hands of her treacherous royal kin, fears the king’s selection and is not resigned to her fate. She secretly pledges herself to one of the king’s own knights, one who has become a trusted friend and protector. Now she must defend her vow as the king—furious at Joan’s defiance—prepares to marry her off to another man.
In A Triple....

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