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C-17 Globemaster III In Action par Bill…

C-17 Globemaster III In Action (édition 2013)

par Bill Norton (Auteur)

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Boeing's versatile C-17 Globemaster III combines strategic and tactical airlift into one wide-body aircraft capable of short takeoff and landing from unpaved fields. The giant, four-engine cargo jet has become more and more prominent in representing the US worldwide. Whether carrying the President, paratroopers, casualties, or vital materiel, or when performing airdrop or assault landings, the C-17 is the image of current aerospace technology and power projection. This richly illustrated, all-color, monograph highlights every aspect of the Globemaster design and mission execution through all theaters of US involvement in both wartime and peacetime. All US and foreign operators are discussed and portrayed in photographs. Combat operations, disaster relief, upgrades, and production are all described in word and image. This volume is a must for anyone interested in one of the very latest military aircraft that has made an essential contribution in recent conflicts and is looking forward to decades more of exciting service.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:C-17 Globemaster III In Action
Auteurs:Bill Norton (Auteur)
Info:Squadron/Signal Publications (2013), 80 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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C-17 Globemaster III In Action par Bill Norton


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Boeing's versatile C-17 Globemaster III combines strategic and tactical airlift into one wide-body aircraft capable of short takeoff and landing from unpaved fields. The giant, four-engine cargo jet has become more and more prominent in representing the US worldwide. Whether carrying the President, paratroopers, casualties, or vital materiel, or when performing airdrop or assault landings, the C-17 is the image of current aerospace technology and power projection. This richly illustrated, all-color, monograph highlights every aspect of the Globemaster design and mission execution through all theaters of US involvement in both wartime and peacetime. All US and foreign operators are discussed and portrayed in photographs. Combat operations, disaster relief, upgrades, and production are all described in word and image. This volume is a must for anyone interested in one of the very latest military aircraft that has made an essential contribution in recent conflicts and is looking forward to decades more of exciting service.

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