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Charles Marville : photographer of Paris par…

Charles Marville : photographer of Paris (édition 2013)

par Anne de Mondenard

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"Charles Marville (1813-1879) is widely acknowledged as one of the most talented photographers of the nineteenth century. Accompanying a major retrospective exhibition at the National Gallery of Art in honor of Marville's bicentennial, Charles Marville: Photographer of Paris surveys the artist's entire career. This beautiful book, which begins with the city scenes and architectural views Marville made throughout France and Germany in the 1850s, also explores his portraits and landscapes s before turning to his photographs of Paris made both before and after the city's dramatic modernization in the 1850s and 1860s. Commissioned to record the city in transition, Marville created one of the earliest and most powerful photographic series documenting urban transformation on a grand scale. Despite the importance of his work, Marville has long been an enigma in the history of photography, in part because many of the documents about his life were thought to have been lost in a fire that destroyed Paris's city hall in 1871. Based on meticulous research, this volume reveals many new insights into Marville's personal and professional biography, including the central fact that he was born Charles-François Bossu. He shed this name (which means hunchback) and adopted the pseudonym Marville when he began his career as an illustrator in the 1830s. With five essays by respected scholars, this book offers the first comprehensive examination of Marville's life and career and delivers the much-awaited public recognition his photographs so richly deserve"--… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Charles Marville : photographer of Paris
Auteurs:Anne de Mondenard
Info:Washington : National Gallery of Art, [2013]
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Charles Marville: Photographer of Paris par Sarah Kennel


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While I was quite impressed with Charles Marville's urban photography that recorded the massive reconstruction and redesign that was occuring in Paris during his lifetime, I found the essays that accompanied the photos to be an absolute bore to read. They were not compelling at all, and seemed more concerned with imparting facts and dates than exploring the motives behind Marville's work or the themes that he captured. I managed to read the introductory/biographical section, but I gave up completely for the remaining essays and focused instead on simply enjoying the photos included in the book. ( )
  JaimieRiella | Feb 25, 2021 |
NYRB saved Sep13
  decore | Sep 18, 2013 |
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Sarah Kennelauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Marville, CharlesPhotographeauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
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LCC canonique

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"Charles Marville (1813-1879) is widely acknowledged as one of the most talented photographers of the nineteenth century. Accompanying a major retrospective exhibition at the National Gallery of Art in honor of Marville's bicentennial, Charles Marville: Photographer of Paris surveys the artist's entire career. This beautiful book, which begins with the city scenes and architectural views Marville made throughout France and Germany in the 1850s, also explores his portraits and landscapes s before turning to his photographs of Paris made both before and after the city's dramatic modernization in the 1850s and 1860s. Commissioned to record the city in transition, Marville created one of the earliest and most powerful photographic series documenting urban transformation on a grand scale. Despite the importance of his work, Marville has long been an enigma in the history of photography, in part because many of the documents about his life were thought to have been lost in a fire that destroyed Paris's city hall in 1871. Based on meticulous research, this volume reveals many new insights into Marville's personal and professional biography, including the central fact that he was born Charles-François Bossu. He shed this name (which means hunchback) and adopted the pseudonym Marville when he began his career as an illustrator in the 1830s. With five essays by respected scholars, this book offers the first comprehensive examination of Marville's life and career and delivers the much-awaited public recognition his photographs so richly deserve"--

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