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Finding Abigail

par Christina Smith

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Abby Watson thought she'd know a monster if she ever saw one. It's what she does for a living, writing children's fantasy books. But what she didn't realize is that monsters are not always fiction, and they come in all shapes and sizes.She wasn't really looking for her Prince Charming; her family and friends were doing that enough for her. In her line of work she is immersed in the fantasy world and fairy tales. Then one day she meets a man in a shiny police uniform. He is attentive and showers her with compliments and gifts-he is the perfect man. Or is he? When he shows his true colors, she realizes he might not be her Prince Charming after all.After a traumatic year, Abby loses who she once was. She hides herself from the world and stops doing what she loves the most-writing. Will she give up looking for love because of one toad, or will she open herself up to new things, and in doing so find herself, and a man worthy of her love?… (plus d'informations)

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Abby Watson thought she'd know a monster if she ever saw one. It's what she does for a living, writing children's fantasy books. But what she didn't realize is that monsters are not always fiction, and they come in all shapes and sizes.She wasn't really looking for her Prince Charming; her family and friends were doing that enough for her. In her line of work she is immersed in the fantasy world and fairy tales. Then one day she meets a man in a shiny police uniform. He is attentive and showers her with compliments and gifts-he is the perfect man. Or is he? When he shows his true colors, she realizes he might not be her Prince Charming after all.After a traumatic year, Abby loses who she once was. She hides herself from the world and stops doing what she loves the most-writing. Will she give up looking for love because of one toad, or will she open herself up to new things, and in doing so find herself, and a man worthy of her love?

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