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Roll Me Up and Smoke Me When I Die: Musings…

Roll Me Up and Smoke Me When I Die: Musings from the Road (original 2012; édition 2013)

par Willie Nelson (Auteur)

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2245124,935 (3.32)19
America's greatest traveling bard Willie Nelson muses about the things that are most important to him and celebrates the family, friends, and colleagues who have blessed his remarkable journey.
Titre:Roll Me Up and Smoke Me When I Die: Musings from the Road
Auteurs:Willie Nelson (Auteur)
Info:William Morrow Paperbacks (2013), 192 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Roll Me Up and Smoke Me When I Die: Musings from the Road par Willie Nelson (2012)


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» Voir aussi les 19 mentions

5 sur 5
I went between two and three stars on this, and in the end went for the third star since I did mostly like it. This is more memoir than his previous book, The Tao of Willie, which I previously read. In a way, it is like sitting with Willie and just letting him reminisce. Some sections are more interesting than others, so the book does lend itself to browsing for the interesting parts. There are some rambling segments too, but overall I think fans will be pleased with this book. Willie does have an opinion on just about anything, and he is happy to share it even as he himself admits that, well, everyone has an opinion. A nice element of the book is that you get members of his family and friends writing about him and sharing memories about him. The book also features photos and some art by one of Willie Nelson's sons. I think the art complements the book nicely.

If you are a fan of Willie Nelson, you will probably like this book. Fans of country music and/or biographies by musicians will probably enjoy it as well. ( )
  bloodravenlib | Aug 17, 2020 |
Pg 115, Willie freaking Nelson, quotes Walt Whitman. Yes. My main man. Walt Whitman. Color me pleasantly surprised.

'And I say unto any man or woman, let your soul stand cool and collected before a million universes' -Walt Whitman ( )
  liv_books | Apr 18, 2017 |
In this memoir, the legendary Willie Nelson shares thoughts about his life. While traveling on the road, he muses about many topics from his upbringing and greatest influences, to his mistakes and regrets.

Willie is open and very frank about all of his thoughts. He discusses God, and what he strongly feels is the role we are meant to play in the world. His common sense thoughts on the environment are connected to this.

Willie openly discusses his influences and muses, giving credit where credit is due. With his trademark outlaw wisdom, he also discusses his beliefs on politics, with some questionable ideas.

The book is filled with poignant memories, and humorous anecdotes. Willie shares pictures, as well as drawings and artwork by his son Micah. Family and friends are clearly extremely important to Willie.

There is no doubt that he is an icon in country music. Respected by many, he is a prolific songwriter, a poet, and a champion of the underdog. This book reflects all that is Willie Nelson.

Having seen him several times in concert, I have always been a fan of Willie. I respect his honesty, his natural wisdom, and his music. He is genuine, which is hard to find today. He has the heart and the soul of a poet. I love this about him. ( )
  nightprose | Mar 13, 2013 |
A short memoir from Willie, the book is a bit of a ramble with snippets of his life intertwined with song lyrics and reflections written by family members and close friends. Within the pages, a reader does get a brief glimpse of Willie's personal values, beliefs and philosophy. The many fans of Wille will enjoy. (lj) ( )
  eduscapes | Mar 4, 2013 |
If you are a Willie Nelson fan, read this book. If you are NOT a Willie Nelson fan, then you should be, and you will be if you read this book. Willie is a great man, poet, philosopher and family man. The book? Why the book is a work of art. There are lyrics, ( mostly his own) and illustrations by his son Micah.

We all know a lot of things about Willie Nelson, his music, his tribulations and his charity. I had no idea that he was a philosopher, or a man so loving that his patchwork family doesn't know or care who started where or why. That, in my opinion, is his greatest talent. He is an amazing and loving family man.

Scattered throughout the book you will find stories and thoughts about Willie, written by family and friends. They are a beautiful tribute. This book is not great literature, but it is great art, and great love.

recommended ( )
9 voter mckait | Nov 25, 2012 |
5 sur 5
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Willie Nelsonauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Friedman, KinkyAvant-proposauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
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America's greatest traveling bard Willie Nelson muses about the things that are most important to him and celebrates the family, friends, and colleagues who have blessed his remarkable journey.

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