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CRIM 279

par Michael A. Dove

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A graduate school student at Berkeley in 1971 finds a class project from a 1959 Criminology seminar detailing an assignment to commit the perfect murder. He investigates and finds more than he wants about this strange class assignment. Although CRIM 279 is listed as fiction; the author claims it is a true account that he promised would not be published until 45 years after the crime! You will be drawn into the atmosphere of the University of California and immersed in the drama of the class of CRIM 279 as they intellectually and philosophically discuss the details of their plan and attempt to carry it out. Their unique personalities create tension and suspense as their interaction takes them in directions they never dreamed toward the perfect murder. CRIM 279 is thought provoking and fun and you will be left to wonder if it is fact or fiction!… (plus d'informations)
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A graduate school student at Berkeley in 1971 finds a class project from a 1959 Criminology seminar detailing an assignment to commit the perfect murder. He investigates and finds more than he wants about this strange class assignment. Although CRIM 279 is listed as fiction; the author claims it is a true account that he promised would not be published until 45 years after the crime! You will be drawn into the atmosphere of the University of California and immersed in the drama of the class of CRIM 279 as they intellectually and philosophically discuss the details of their plan and attempt to carry it out. Their unique personalities create tension and suspense as their interaction takes them in directions they never dreamed toward the perfect murder. CRIM 279 is thought provoking and fun and you will be left to wonder if it is fact or fiction!

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