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Visions of England par Roy Strong

Visions of England (édition 2011)

par Roy Strong (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
481547,778 (4.08)2
What does it mean to be English? For centuries, Englishness was synonymous with Britishness, informed first by the political dominance of the English monarchs over the British Isles—reaching its apogee in the rule of Elizabeth I—and later by the island's imperial might and expansion. But alongside that tradition, reaching back to medieval times, there has also been a vision of England as the rural arcadia celebrated by painters and poets. While the mythology of empire lingers on in the national psyche, Roy Strong argues that it is the rural tradition—combining aestheticism, pastoralism and patriotism—that offers an answer to the present crisis of English identity. In this searching and deeply passionate book, Roy Strong reveals an iconography of England rooted in the cultural imagination. Rather than simply depicting reality, art and literature have often ennobled—and immortalized—reality in a way that has directly affected how we see ourselves. Today we view Suffolk through the eyes of Constable, the Lake District comes to life in the poetry of Wordsworth, and the country house seems to emerge from the novels of Evelyn Waugh. Free from nationalism, chauvinism and political bias, Roy Strong offers a vision of England that is inclusive and relevant for everybody living in the country today—an appreciation of the beauty of the English countryside, a love of nature and gardening, and a celebration of the dramas of Shakespeare, the paintings of Turner and the music of Elgar.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Visions of England
Auteurs:Roy Strong (Auteur)
Info:Random House UK (2011), Edition: First Edition, 240 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Visions of England par Roy Strong


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A good easily read book which deals with English National identity since the Tudor period to the present day. It looks at poetry, music and in the main, art. It looks at Turner and Constable as well as other depictions of the English rural idyll. Interesting and well written. Particularly helpful for those who have an interest in art, history and English Culture ( )
  aadyer | Jul 2, 2020 |
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What does it mean to be English? For centuries, Englishness was synonymous with Britishness, informed first by the political dominance of the English monarchs over the British Isles—reaching its apogee in the rule of Elizabeth I—and later by the island's imperial might and expansion. But alongside that tradition, reaching back to medieval times, there has also been a vision of England as the rural arcadia celebrated by painters and poets. While the mythology of empire lingers on in the national psyche, Roy Strong argues that it is the rural tradition—combining aestheticism, pastoralism and patriotism—that offers an answer to the present crisis of English identity. In this searching and deeply passionate book, Roy Strong reveals an iconography of England rooted in the cultural imagination. Rather than simply depicting reality, art and literature have often ennobled—and immortalized—reality in a way that has directly affected how we see ourselves. Today we view Suffolk through the eyes of Constable, the Lake District comes to life in the poetry of Wordsworth, and the country house seems to emerge from the novels of Evelyn Waugh. Free from nationalism, chauvinism and political bias, Roy Strong offers a vision of England that is inclusive and relevant for everybody living in the country today—an appreciation of the beauty of the English countryside, a love of nature and gardening, and a celebration of the dramas of Shakespeare, the paintings of Turner and the music of Elgar.

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Classification décimale de Melvil (CDD)

942History and Geography Europe England and Wales

Classification de la Bibliothèque du Congrès


Moyenne: (4.08)
3 1
4 3
4.5 1
5 1

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