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Roil (Nightbound Land) par Trent Jamieson

Roil (Nightbound Land) (édition 2011)

par Trent Jamieson

Séries: The Nightbound Land (1)

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Shale is dying. A vast, chaotic, monster-bearing storm known only as the Roil is expanding, consuming the land. The last humans are fighting back with ever more bizarre new machines, but the Roil seems unstoppable. Whole cities have been consumed--where once there were twelve, now only four remain. It's up to a decadent wastrel, a four thousand year-old man, and a young woman bent on revenge, to try to save their city--and the world.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Roil (Nightbound Land)
Auteurs:Trent Jamieson
Info:Angry Robot (2011), Edition: Original, Mass Market Paperback, 416 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque
Mots-clés:fiction, fantasy, unabridged audio

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Roil par Trent Jamieson


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I listened to the audiobook for Roil and the narrator was good, but nothing extraordinary.
If you like darker fantasy and distinctive world building, Roil is a good offering. The characters are solid, and out two main leads feel particularly human with a good mixture of flaws and personality that makes it easy to invest in them. Margaret shines more in the due to her competence and managing to land a gritty, forceful, tough personality without being unlikeable. David doesn't do much through the course of the book, but remains a compelling character despite his addiction because of the aforementioned humanity.
But, the book strength lies in its world building and more particularly the Roil. The Roil successfully pervades the book as this bleak, looming threat. Its monsters are fun and have just enough of the horror aspect and visuals to be intimidating. The use of heat and cold makes the various interactions with and conflicts against the Roil rewardingly interesting as well as diverse.
The story itself walks its various characters through many shades of gray morality, and achieves an apocalyptic and grim narrative/setting without punishing the reader.
Pacing and Prose are solid ( )
  TristenKozinski | Sep 18, 2024 |
egalley thanks to Angry Robot

Interesting premise isn't it? And totally wrong.

I had to literally fight my way through the book. Don't get me wrong, - this is a good book, interesting, original, leaves plenty to work with for your imagination... But my God, would it have hurt to give us a little bit of prologue or some sort of world description instead of just throwing us into the deep end and let us swim or sink?

It took me 5 chapters to understand the structure. The quote in the beginning of each chapter is from the future and it's relevant to what happens to the characters in the present.

In the south last defence of civilisation, city of Tate succumbs to Roil, a chaotic mass of creatures with one consciousness, that came out from the core of the planet. Roil can't stand the cold, which is the only weapon of the last human cities against its invasion.

Margaret, the only daughter of Tate engineers manages to get out of the dying city and heads off up north.

In the north David, an addict and a son of one of the leaders of the opposition to the current tyrant watches his father die from the hands of Vergers, some sort of genetically modified human hunters. His father's friends arrange his passage away from the city with the help of one of the Old Men, half-mad and very strange Cadell.

Cadell has got his own agenda. He is one of the first Engineers who built the Engine of the World, but they played too much with it, civilisation crumbled to what it is now and the Engineers were cursed with virtual immortality, madness and perpetual cannibalistic hunger for human flesh.

Cadell wants to see the extent of damage the Roil has done and get to The Engine to switch on the cold and destroy the Roil.

The book is full of confusing power struggles, multiple POV's, battles, gadgets, pursuits and even has a magnificent airships fight. It took me half a book to get into it, and if you get that far it was all worth it, ladies and gentlemen! :) In the end I had more questions than answers, and I would really want to get a bit more clear structure and less different POV's in the book two.

Overall, not bad. Not bad at all. ( )
  kara-karina | Nov 20, 2015 |
It seems as though any book published by Angry Robot turns out to be wicked good. They're not your typical steampunk or urban fantasy novels. Roil is another example of a crazy good book.

This continent, Shale, - even the entire world, is being consumed by this thing called the Roil. Heat loving monsters like you've never heard of before....quarg hounds, witmoths, garment flutes...lots of baddies. From the back of the book - "It's up to a decadent wastrel, a four thousand year old man and a young woman bent on revenge to try to save their city - and the world."

I enjoyed this book, even though it seemed so hopeless that any of them would survive. The Roil is relentless and just consumes whole cities, people with them. The witmoths take over the people, and the whole thing is changing. What was once seemingly random monsters now seem to have a plan, and to be using strategy. Added to that you have a mayor of one city who has tried to convince the people there's no danger until the last minute, there's these other people called cuttlefolk who have an uneasy truce with people, and yet will kill. And that four thousand year old man? a very dangerous man who barely keeps himself in check, but is still trying to help save humanity.

The narration as well as the dialogue is very well done, making the book just flow. I would love to get hold of the second in this duology - find out who wins in the end.

The characters were great - the old man, creepy as hell and very powerful. The young man, David - who at first can only think of his drug, but of course, life intervenes (as it usually does), and Margaret. Margaret is soooo angry. She escaped a Roil invasion and wants to destroy the Roils - she's ready to kill.

Good reading, highly recommended. ( )
1 voter Mardel | Jul 31, 2013 |
This book, though I didn't realise it when I started it, is exactly the sort of industrial fantasy-horror that I really enjoy but rarely find, which means it definitely won't be for everyone. Really, if I were to classify it I would say it would be most at home with the Weird (and not really steampunk). Memorable characters, perilous situations, and a heady mix of realism with surreal touches. ( )
1 voter rrainer | Apr 30, 2013 |
Roil is the first book of Trent Jamieson's Nightbound Land duology. I've had it on my TBR since around the time it came out, but have only just got around to reading it. From the blurb:

Shale is dying. A vast, chaotic, monster-bearing storm known only as the Roil is expanding, consuming the land.

Where once there were twelve great cities, now only four remain, and their borders are being threatened by the growing cloud of darkness. The last humans are fighting back with ever more bizarre new machines. But one by one the defences are failing. And the Roil continues to grow.

With the land in turmoil, it’s up to a decadent wastrel, a four thousand year-old man, and a young woman intent on revenge to try to save their city – and the world.

Roil is set in a very different world to ours. Every layer of it is different, and so it takes a little while for the world to be fully built up — to Jamieson's credit, he avoids large chunks of info dumping — the blurb doesn't do that aspect justice. The Roil itself is a seething storm of monsters and destruction which can only be fought with cold. There's a bit of a steampunk aspect to the endothermic weaponry (ice cannon, ice rifles, cooled swords) and the transportation, but against the backdrop of the world being destroyed, it didn't feel as steampunky as another book might.

Margaret (see cover art) comes from a city that is already surrounded by the Roil. The other cities think it was destroyed when the Roil overtook it, but thanks to the ingenuity of her parents, the city was able to survive for twenty more years, keeping the monsters at bay with sophisticated ice cannon although they couldn't hold the ever-present darkness back. The story opens with the fall of Margaret's city and her flight out of the Roil.

Around the same time, David, a young drug addict, watches his father get assassinated and knows that he's next. In the course of fleeing for his life, he meets up with Cadell an Old (ancient) Man, and the only hope for defeating the Roil.

Ultimately, it's not just the Roil and its monsters that our main characters are up against; there are human forces with their own agenda — like the man who wants David dead — for them to contend with also.

I liked reading about both Margaret and David, although Margaret is definitely the more kickarse character and David is a bit wet behind the ears. There was a third character, Medicine Paul, who I found it harder to relate to because for the first half of the book I wasn't entirely sure whether I should be on his side or not. I suspect he'll play a more prominent role in the sequel.

The way Roil is written, you have to trust some aspects of the worldbuilding to make sense later on, which didn't bother me but might bother some readers. Also, while I wouldn't call Roil a horror book, it definitely has some aspects of horror, like someone being eaten by spiders and lots of people being possessed by evil moths. Fair warning. Perhaps dark steampunk fantasy would be an apt sub-genre/description. It also can be read as a metaphor for global warming but doesn't have to be and can definitely be enjoyed either way. I'm not sure if the parallels were the author's intention but they do exist. Oh, and points to him for getting thermodynamics right (with the endothermic weaponry etc), always good to see.

I enjoyed Roil more than I expected to after reading certain goodreads reviews. I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for something different in their fantasy or in their steampunk. Trust me, there's nothing pedestrian about the world Jamieson has created.

4.5 / 5 stars

You can read more of my reviews on my blog. ( )
  Tsana | Dec 20, 2012 |
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Shale is dying. A vast, chaotic, monster-bearing storm known only as the Roil is expanding, consuming the land. The last humans are fighting back with ever more bizarre new machines, but the Roil seems unstoppable. Whole cities have been consumed--where once there were twelve, now only four remain. It's up to a decadent wastrel, a four thousand year-old man, and a young woman bent on revenge, to try to save their city--and the world.

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