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On the Mysteries of the Egyptians, Chaldeans and Assyrians (1821)

par Iamblichus

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1847153,318 (4.05)1
General Books publication date: 2009 Original publication date: 1895 Original Publisher: Bertram Dobell Subjects: Religion Demonology Supernatural Mysticism Occultism Body, Mind

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For any work with Theurgy, divination, high magic, a structure is required. Iamblichus furnishes the world with a structure that is foundational and well-grounded in practices of antiquity. What I have won as an inquirer through years of toiled and suffered observations of the aetheric worlds he masterfully elucidates in a single volume. I often stood corrected, sometimes a bit proud that I could expand on some of high thoughts of his. One can recognize a master's mind at work in an often complex but evident manner in the greater context of theory and praxis that the son of Chalcis engaged. This book is to be read with Intellect, patience and an open heart, all waves and threads inter-sect with each other in a panharmonic One. I will definitely return to it after some time to have a fresh look at it, and after tweaking my own performance in arrays of life and the Divine. If the golden chain of Plato and neo-platonists was ever-broken, be assured that if you open your souls in receptiveness to these teachings, the golden thread is suspended above the visible heavens, and past masters and mistresses no longer walking amongst us on Earth will gladly teach us in proportion and accordance to our preparation. I finished this book right after my loved one recommended Agnes Obel's "Familiar" music to me. In this atmosphere, I would like to convey this review. ( )
  Saturnin.Ksawery | Jan 12, 2024 |
For any work with Theurgy, divination, high magic, a structure is required. Iamblichus furnishes the world with a structure that is foundational and well-grounded in practices of antiquity. What I have won as an inquirer through years of toiled and suffered observations of the aetheric worlds he masterfully elucidates in a single volume. I often stood corrected, sometimes a bit proud that I could expand on some of high thoughts of his. One can recognize a master's mind at work in an often complex but evident manner in the greater context of theory and praxis that the son of Chalcis engaged. This book is to be read with Intellect, patience and an open heart, all waves and threads inter-sect with each other in a panharmonic One. I will definitely return to it after some time to have a fresh look at it, and after tweaking my own performance in arrays of life and the Divine. If the golden chain of Plato and neo-platonists was ever-broken, be assured that if you open your souls in receptiveness to these teachings, the golden thread is suspended above the visible heavens, and past masters and mistresses no longer walking amongst us on Earth will gladly teach us in proportion and accordance to our preparation. I finished this book right after my loved one recommended Agnes Obel's "Familiar" music to me. In this atmosphere, I would like to convey this review. ( )
  SaturninCorax | Sep 27, 2021 |
More of a philosophical work than a practical one, De Mysteriis is a difficult read which offers valuable glimpses to the neoplatonical pagan worldview of late antiquity. It is interesting that, despite his distaste for rationality (something that drew me in the first place), Iamblichus' worldview and reasoning is proven to be pretty much based on rational innards - a thing that I guess was more or less the norm for the Roman-Greek world since the Classical times.
The book obviously combines nicely with the Greek Magical Papyri, its practical (and much more interesting I would say) reflection. ( )
  Athotep | Sep 26, 2020 |
For any work with Theurgy, divination, high magic, a structure is required. Iamblichus furnishes the world with a structure that is foundational and well-grounded in practices of antiquity. What I have won as an inquirer through years of toiled and suffered observations of the aetheric worlds he masterfully elucidates in a single volume. I often stood corrected, sometimes a bit proud that I could expand on some of high thoughts of his. One can recognize a master's mind at work in an often complex but evident manner in the greater context of theory and praxis that the son of Chalcis engaged. This book is to be read with Intellect, patience and an open heart, all waves and threads inter-sect with each other in a panharmonic One. I will definitely return to it after some time to have a fresh look at it, and after tweaking my own performance in arrays of life and the Divine. If the golden chain of Plato and neo-platonists was ever-broken, be assured that if you open your souls in receptiveness to these teachings, the golden thread is suspended above the visible heavens, and past masters and mistresses no longer walking amongst us on Earth will gladly teach us in proportion and accordance to our preparation. I finished this book right after my loved one recommended Agnes Obel's "Familiar" music to me. In this atmosphere, I would like to convey this review. ( )
  vucjipastir | Jun 7, 2020 |
For any work with Theurgy, divination, high magic, a structure is required. Iamblichus furnishes the world with a structure that is foundational and well-grounded in practices of antiquity. What I have won as an inquirer through years of toiled and suffered observations of the aetheric worlds he masterfully elucidates in a single volume. I often stood corrected, sometimes a bit proud that I could expand on some of high thoughts of his. One can recognize a master's mind at work in an often complex but evident manner in the greater context of theory and praxis that the son of Chalcis engaged. This book is to be read with Intellect, patience and an open heart, all waves and threads inter-sect with each other in a panharmonic One. I will definitely return to it after some time to have a fresh look at it, and after tweaking my own performance in arrays of life and the Divine. If the golden chain of Plato and neo-platonists was ever-broken, be assured that if you open your souls in receptiveness to these teachings, the golden thread is suspended above the visible heavens, and past masters and mistresses no longer walking amongst us on Earth will gladly teach us in proportion and accordance to our preparation. I finished this book right after my loved one recommended Agnes Obel's "Familiar" music to me. In this atmosphere, I would like to convey this review. ( )
  vucjipastir | Jun 7, 2020 |
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Iamblichusauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Taylor, ThomasTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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(Porphyry to the prophet Anebo greeting)

I commence my friendship towards you from the Gods and good daemons, and from those philosophic disquisitions, which have an affinity to those powers.
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(Cliquez pour voir. Attention : peut vendre la mèche.)
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LCC canonique

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Wikipédia en anglais


General Books publication date: 2009 Original publication date: 1895 Original Publisher: Bertram Dobell Subjects: Religion Demonology Supernatural Mysticism Occultism Body, Mind

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