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The Elf on the Shelf, a Christmas Tradition…

The Elf on the Shelf, a Christmas Tradition (édition 2009)

par Carol V. / Bell Aebersold, Chanda A.

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An elf who works for and reports to Santa Claus helps children to be on their best behavior.
Titre:The Elf on the Shelf, a Christmas Tradition
Auteurs:Carol V. / Bell Aebersold, Chanda A.
Info:CCA and B, LLC (2009), Edition: 3rd, Hardcover, 26 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition par Carol V. Aebersold


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  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
Cute rhyme-y narration, but not exactly my favorite Christmas story. ( )
  JMigotsky | Jan 27, 2023 |
Independent reading level: 5-9 years old.
Book of the year award by Creative Child Awards
National Best Book Award by USA Book News ( )
  Carleyro | Dec 1, 2022 |
Reading Age: 5-9 years old
  BLESD | May 3, 2022 |
This book has been a tradition in our family since 2011. We have an Elf that comes everything holiday season, his name is Mac. My children, even though one is 11 and does not believe, she still enjoys reading the book and sharing in the finding of Mac every morning. My youngest, though, he is another story. He aggravated me till we sat down and read the book. We read it on Thanksgiving night before we go to bed. He loves getting up to find Mac and knows the rules of him. Some people think this is silly and nonsense, but they are only kids once. I agree it is hard to remember to move him or create some type of funny scene for him, but seeing my kids' smiles because of it makes it all worth it! I would love to share this with a class in the classroom library, but air on the side of caution for this could create some tension in the room. Respect comes to my mind when this book is shared. Respect for other's beliefs and traditions. Merry Christmas! ( )
  Ashley.Miller | Nov 26, 2018 |
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Aebersold, Carol V.auteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Bell, Chanda A.auteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Steinwart, CoëIllustrateurauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
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An elf who works for and reports to Santa Claus helps children to be on their best behavior.

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