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Feeding Time (DK Readers: Level 1)

par DK

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187Aucun150,759 (3.25)1
This Level 1 book is appropriate for children who are just beginning to read. Which animal enjoys breakfast in bed? Which ones eat all the time? Discover how African animals find their food. For children who are just beginning to read and who have a limited vocabulary, these 32-page Level 1 books-about everything from tadpoles to puppies-use word repetition and simple sentences to convey meaning. Picture dictionary boxes with word labels "show" the meanings of words. These books contain between 400 and 450 words each, and they are 80 percent pictures and 20 percent text. The Dorling Kindersley Readers combine an enticing visual layout with high-interest, easy-to-read stories to captivate and delight young bookworms who are just getting started. Written by leading children's authors and compiled in consultation with literacy experts, these engaging books build reader confidence along with a lifelong appreciation for nonfiction, classic stories, and biographies. There is a DK Reader to interest every child at every level, from preschool to grade 4.… (plus d'informations)

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DK Readers (Level 1)
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This Level 1 book is appropriate for children who are just beginning to read. Which animal enjoys breakfast in bed? Which ones eat all the time? Discover how African animals find their food. For children who are just beginning to read and who have a limited vocabulary, these 32-page Level 1 books-about everything from tadpoles to puppies-use word repetition and simple sentences to convey meaning. Picture dictionary boxes with word labels "show" the meanings of words. These books contain between 400 and 450 words each, and they are 80 percent pictures and 20 percent text. The Dorling Kindersley Readers combine an enticing visual layout with high-interest, easy-to-read stories to captivate and delight young bookworms who are just getting started. Written by leading children's authors and compiled in consultation with literacy experts, these engaging books build reader confidence along with a lifelong appreciation for nonfiction, classic stories, and biographies. There is a DK Reader to interest every child at every level, from preschool to grade 4.

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Classification décimale de Melvil (CDD)

599Natural sciences and mathematics Zoology Mammalia

Classification de la Bibliothèque du Congrès


Moyenne: (3.25)
1 1
3 1
4 1
5 1

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