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Jack Daniels Stories Vol.1

par J.A. Konrath

Séries: Jack Daniels and Associates Mysteries (2), Jack Daniels (Short stories), Jacqueline "Jack" Daniels (Short Stories Vol. 1)

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1054259,491 (3.57)3
Join Jack Daniels, her partner Herb Benedict, private eye Harry McGlade, and part-time criminal Phineas Troutt, in more Jacqueline "Jack" Daniels thrillers: On the Rocks - Suicide or murder? Lt. Jack Daniels solves a locked room mystery.Whelp Wanted - P.I. Harry McGlade becomes a dognapper to stop a dognapper, or something like that.Street Music - Phineas Troutt hunts a prostitute through the dangerous streets of Chicago. The One That Got Away - The Gingerbread Man (the villain from Whiskey Sour) hunts one final victim.With a Twist - It looked like the man fell from a great height, but the body is in his living room. Epitaph - Phin Troutt takes on a Chicago street gang with vengeance on his mind.Taken to the Cleaners - Harry McGlade tries to solve a difficult mystery, but mostly just goofs off.Body Shots - Jack Daniels faces her most challenging case yet; a school shooting. Suffer - Phineas Troutt has taken some questionable jobs, but will he murder a man's wife?School Daze - P.I. Harry McGlade investigates a private school, but he's not entirely sure why.Overproof - While shopping on the Gold Coast, Jack Daniels notices traffic has come to a stand-still. When she realizes what the problem is, she's confronted with her own mortality, and the possible deaths of hundreds.Bereavement - How badly does Phineas Troutt need a fix? What is he willing to do?Pot Shot - Detective Herb Benedict just wants a home cooked meal. But his plans get interrupted by a very determined sniper.Last Request - Phineas Troutt picks up a hitchhiker, with deadly results.The Necro File - Harry McGlade investigates some bizarre murders in this hilarious, gore-filled mini-epic.… (plus d'informations)

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4 sur 4
Excellent book of 16 short stories with Jack, Harry, Herb, & Phin from the Jack Daniels universe by JA Konrath & a novella with serial killers Donaldson & Taylor from JA's alter ego Jack Killborn who writes books with Blake Crouch. Funny & gross stories delving deeper into Harry McGlade & his perverted life & sloppy detective work. Herb's story involving his wife, & plenty of Jack stories which also involve closed door mysteries that were fun to try and solve. I really liked to Phin stories to see the darker side that is hinted at in the regular Jack Daniels series too. Also a hilarious interview of JA interviewing Jack Killborn (his alter ego) ( )
  LaneyLegz | Jul 29, 2023 |
Loved it! Collection of thriller short stories by Konrath. I love that they star characters I wish we spent more time with in the Jack Daniels series. McGlade and Phin are awesome, anytime we get their POV is great. Great introduction to the Konrath world and writing style. ( )
  NicholeReadsWithCats | Jun 17, 2022 |
On the whole I enjoyed this selection well-written stories. The one I didn't really care for was the last one - a Harry McGlade story - The Necro File ( )
  Vesper1931 | Jul 29, 2021 |
This was my first book in the series and I Loved the introduction to all the characters through the short stories! Now I'm hooked and searching for any other on my mountain of "to be read" at home as well as hunting down the ebooks! ( )
  jvizza | Jan 18, 2016 |
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Join Jack Daniels, her partner Herb Benedict, private eye Harry McGlade, and part-time criminal Phineas Troutt, in more Jacqueline "Jack" Daniels thrillers: On the Rocks - Suicide or murder? Lt. Jack Daniels solves a locked room mystery.Whelp Wanted - P.I. Harry McGlade becomes a dognapper to stop a dognapper, or something like that.Street Music - Phineas Troutt hunts a prostitute through the dangerous streets of Chicago. The One That Got Away - The Gingerbread Man (the villain from Whiskey Sour) hunts one final victim.With a Twist - It looked like the man fell from a great height, but the body is in his living room. Epitaph - Phin Troutt takes on a Chicago street gang with vengeance on his mind.Taken to the Cleaners - Harry McGlade tries to solve a difficult mystery, but mostly just goofs off.Body Shots - Jack Daniels faces her most challenging case yet; a school shooting. Suffer - Phineas Troutt has taken some questionable jobs, but will he murder a man's wife?School Daze - P.I. Harry McGlade investigates a private school, but he's not entirely sure why.Overproof - While shopping on the Gold Coast, Jack Daniels notices traffic has come to a stand-still. When she realizes what the problem is, she's confronted with her own mortality, and the possible deaths of hundreds.Bereavement - How badly does Phineas Troutt need a fix? What is he willing to do?Pot Shot - Detective Herb Benedict just wants a home cooked meal. But his plans get interrupted by a very determined sniper.Last Request - Phineas Troutt picks up a hitchhiker, with deadly results.The Necro File - Harry McGlade investigates some bizarre murders in this hilarious, gore-filled mini-epic.

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